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Young Generation, Radicalism, and Place of Worship


By: Aldia Putra) *

The BNPT National Counter Terrorism Agency has stressed that the younger generation must understand the issue of radicalism and extremism. The goal is to be able to fend off the understanding of these understandings from individual terrorists.

Colonel Sujatmiko, Head of Sub-Directorate of Prevention of Counter Propaganda, revealed that at present anyone can be brainwashed by understanding radicalism and extremism. If it is dragged along, it is not impossible for its adherents to lead to acts of terrorism.

He added, that one of the factors that makes a person easily dragged into understanding radicalism is dislike or rejection of differences.

Of course the community must increase awareness of efforts to spread hate speech in houses of worship by certain groups.

Chairperson of LD PBNU Maman Imanulhaq said it was important to involve young people and the community at large so that the mosque was not empty. Mosques that have no managers are usually easily infiltrated by radical groups.

He continued, he also added that there was a need to reformulate the theme in the sermon so that it contained the content of religion which became a spirit of togetherness in diversity and peace. Thus it is hoped that no one who utilizes other religious sermons that contain an invitation to distance the people from the value of Godhead.

Of course it will be a concern for the country that upholds diversity, where houses of worship which should be sacred, are actually used to spread hate speech, malice or hostility. If this really happened, of course this would be an early warning for us to restore the mosque back to its main function, which is to get closer to the Almighty, and establish a unity of the people.

Maman also considered that in relation to the existence of radical and intolerant groups, in fact the majority of Muslims in Indonesia are still moderate and tolerant. But the weakness of Muslims is to remain silent, while a small number of radical groups can enter massively and militantly.

The first reason someone becomes radical is to fulfill his personal needs, this concerns ideological and financial matters. Radical groups can spread widely with promises of sufficient financial needs. In addition, one can be attracted to radicalism because of interesting political propaganda.

Facilities such as training and transportation can also be used as reasons for joining a recruitment of radical group members. Even some mosque takmir which are considered exposed to radicalism also bridge the process. In addition, understanding related to self-purification is also a strong reason for someone who enters the circle of radicalism.

Another factor affecting the rise of radicalism in Indonesia is the ethics of bad political elites. This causes the public to become apathetic towards democracy and make radicalism an alternative way. Hostility between political elites is not good, it can also cause cynicism that democracy is not the best system.

Radicals use mosques, recitations, social services to sow hatred. Therefore, it is appropriate for the moderate group to rise and return to the mosque as a place to educate, empower and strengthen the ukhuwah both Islamic and wathoniyah.

According to Prof. Masdar Hilmy, the phenomenon of religious radicalism is recognized as appearing in verses in the scriptures, which are applied without consideration of the relevance of the context that accompanies it.

The root of the emergence of radicalism was also influenced by a superficial understanding of religion, related to the intention of the decline of religion which actually attracts people to goodness and avoids evil.

In addition to low religious knowledge, radicalism is also influenced by insufficient insight in terms of the life of the nation and state, especially those related to the ideology of the Pancasila with the singular diverse motto ika.

In addition to increasing awareness of the potential of radicalism in places of worship, religious communities in Indonesia must return to their respective religious teachings, which teach kindness and love in life in the world.

Religious people must be willing to learn religion correctly, with the guidance of religious leaders or scholars who are trusted by their knowledge. Because people who really deepen their knowledge and love the country, will not make damage in the country, and will not do wrong to others.

By: Aldia Putra) *

The BNPT National Counter Terrorism Agency has stressed that the younger generation must understand the issue of radicalism and extremism. The goal is to understand the understandings of individual terrorists.

Colonel Sujatmiko, Head of Sub-Directorate of Prevention of Counter Propaganda, revealed that at present anyone can be brainwashed by understanding radicalism and extremism. If it is dragged along, it is not impossible for adherents to lead to acts of terrorism.

He added, that is one of the factors that makes a person easily dragged into understanding radicalism is like or rejection of differences.

Of course the community must increase awareness of efforts to spread hate speech in houses of worship by certain groups.

PBNU Chairperson of LD Maman Imanulhaq said it was important to be involved with young people and the community at the mosque so not empty. Mosques that have no managers are usually easily infiltrated by radical groups.

He continued, he also added that there was a need to reformulate the theme in the series so that it contained the content of religion which became the spirit of togetherness in diversity and peace. Thus it is that no one who utilizes other religious sermons that contain the distance from the people of the value of Godhead.

Of course it will be a concern for the country that holds diversity, where houses of worship should be actually used to spread hate speech, malice or hostility. If this really happened, of course this would be an early warning to restore the mosque back to its main function, which is to get closer to the Almighty, and establish a unity of the people.

Maman is also considered that in relation to the existence of radical and intolerant groups, in fact the majority of Muslims in Indonesia are still moderate and tolerant. But the weakness of Muslims is to remain silent, while the number of radical groups can enter massively and militantly.

The first reason someone becomes radical is to fulfill his personal needs, this concerns ideological and financial matters. Widely promises of sufficient financial needs. In addition, one can be attracted to radicalism because of interesting political propaganda.

Facilities such as training and transportation can also be used as a basis for joining a recruitment of radical group members. Even some mosque takmir which are considered exposed to radicalism also bridge the process. In addition, understanding related to self-purification is also a strong reason for someone who enters the circle of radicalism.

Another factor affecting the rise of radicalism in Indonesia is the ethics of bad political elites. This causes the public to become apathetic towards democracy and make radicalism an alternative way. Hostility between political conditions is not good, it can also cause cynicism that is not the best system.

Use of military radicals, recitations, social services to be hatred. Therefore, it is appropriate for the moderate group to rise and strengthen the empowerment of the ukhuwah both Islamic and wathoniyah.

According to Prof. Masdar Hilmy, the phenomenon of religious radicalism is recognized as appearing in verses in the scriptures, which are applied without the relevance of the context that accompanies it.

The root of the emergence of radicalism was also influenced by the superficial understanding of religion, related to the intention of people to goodness and avoids evil.

For low religious knowledge, radicalism is also influenced by insufficient insight into the life of the nation and state, with regard to the ideology of the Pancasila with the singular diverse motto of Ika.

The increasing awareness of the potential of radicalism in worship, religious communities in Indonesia, must have a religious teachings, which teaches kindness and love in life in the world.

Religious people must be willing to learn religion correctly, with religious leaders who are trusted by their knowledge. Because people who really deepen their knowledge and love the country, will not make damage in the country, and will not do wrong to others.

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