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New Autonomous Region of Papua  Equalizes Development to Across the Country


By : Alfred Jigibalom )*

Equitable development is one of the government’s focuses in advancing the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Equitable development is a concrete form of implementing the five precepts of Pancasila, namely social justice for all Indonesian people. One of the concrete manifestations of this effort is of course due to the development of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua.

Freddy Thie as the Regent of Kaimana said that the formation of a number of new autonomous regions in Papua, both provinces and districts/cities, was needed in order to encourage equity and accelerate development and service to the community. Freddy also said that his staff along with the DPRD, traditional leaders and local community leaders had sat down together and agreed that the new autonomous region was a commitment from all components of the people of Kaimana Regency, West Papua.

            According to him, the Regency Government, the DPRD and the indigenous people of Kaimana Regency have also expressed their support for the formation of a new autonomous region in West Papua during a meeting with the Acting Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw in Jakarta. In principle, the goal of the new autonomous region is a good step towards bringing about change in the land of Papua, especially in the province of West Papua.

            In a meeting with the ranks of the Regency Government, the DPRD and the Kaimana Traditional Council, the Acting Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw appreciated the support from all components for the proposal to form a new autonomous region in Papua, especially in the West Papua region. The hope is that the new autonomous regions will make the region not far behind compared to other regions.

            It should be noted that the island of Papua has an area almost 3 to 4 times that of the island of Java with a population of around 5 million. The size of the area is also one of the challenges in accelerating development. Apart from that, the geographical terrain in Papua is also difficult to reach, so that division in Papua will certainly have an impact on progress in Papua.

            The formation of new autonomous regions in Papua was carried out based on aspirations that had been conveyed for a long time by Papuan community leaders. It is from this input that the government considers material to accelerate development in Papua.

            Previously, Tito Karnavian as Minister of Home Affairs said that the division would have a more positive impact on accelerating development as experienced by West Papua and also several other regions. The former National Police Chief also said that there was an imbalance that was evident when he became the Papua Police Chief in 2012-2014, especially in the Central Highlands Papua region. Tito said that the division of the province in Papua is currently reflecting on the division of the Province in Papua at this time reflecting the division of the Province of West Papua which he claims is capable of bringing progress in Papua.

Previously, Papuan leader Wilem Frans Ansanay said the characteristics of the land of Papua were different from other regions. One example, the area of ​​one district in Papua is the same as one province in Java Island. According to him, Papua must be taken seriously, especially in the health sector. It’s just that a number of problems are still encountered in Papua, areas close to the province are still lacking, what about other regions. This shows that the development of new autonomous regions is a step to be reckoned with in efforts to improve the quality of health services in Papua.

On a different occasion, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the purpose of this regional expansion was a form of effort to create equitable development and was expected to facilitate the reach of government services in the Papua region. In addition, Jokowi considers that the division of regions in Papua is also an aspiration originating from the Papuan people themselves which have been expressed several years ago and come from various community groups.

The realization of the New Autonomous Region in Papua can be the best effort in presenting accelerated development and equity as rights that must and must be received by Papuans who are part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. With the existence of a new autonomous region, of course this will provide new opportunities for the Son of the Region to further develop their potential. Moreover, this division has the objective of dividing the tasks of Regional Government to become more specific and reach a more detailed focus on regions and regional communities.

The loss of the Papuan people’s trust in the state is of course due to social inequality and the lack of basic services needed by the community, especially in remote areas. Of course this cannot be allowed to drag on, so the government must continue to take an approach to meet the needs for basic services for the people of Papua, where regional expansion or development of new autonomous regions is something that should be implemented, given that the territory of Papua is very wide with access roads. not as easy as in other areas such as on the island of Java.

Equitable development is one of the government’s focuses that continues to be pursued, so that policies are needed that are able to realize this equity. New autonomous regions development is the answer, where this development will bring the community closer to accessing public facilities built by the government.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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