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Pancasila: Foundation of Nation

Illustration: Contents of Pancasila
Illustration: Contents of Pancasila

By: Nurmantyo*)

The values ​​of Pancasila has now faded in Indonesian society. Pancasila is now only as a symbol of the country that is hanging on the wall. Probably not many people who memorize or even understand the significance meaning of Pancasila. Indonesian society has been eroded by the times to forget about this important foundation. For example, just a lot of conflict and intolerance that occurs between the public caused by religion, ethnicity, culture and others. Is not every item is there on Pancasila values ​​of life suitable to be applied in this diverse nation.

Pancasila has eroded by age, forgotten, the public does not know what is Pancasila. The wave of globalization is the main cause. This globalization era, information is rapidly circulated and unstoppable. Everyone is entitled and able to get and give information about anything. But behind freedom of information, a lot of negative information was also obtained by the public in the form of radical ideology, lifestyle and pornography. The information tends to be understood and applied by the public in a form that does not match the lifestyle of Indonesian people.

UNDIP lecturer, DR. Muchamad Yulianto, M.Sc. said the survey results from one of the major media in 2008 showed more than half of respondents in all age categories, wrong or failed to mention the principles of Pancasila as a whole. Though the location of the survey held in 10 major cities in Indonesia, which incidentally has its advanced and quality education.

Many facts show that Pancasila is indeed already started to be forgotten by the public. Some cases occurred among religious conflicts that occur in Tolikara, fighting between teens, understands the emergence of Islamic hard-liners such as ISIS, communism and corruption. All these cases show that as Indonesian citizens they have forgotten the values ​​of Pancasila in their lives.

Loss of Pancasila values ​​in the life of the nation should be realized by increasing the sense of nationalism. Nationalism is not only alive when there is a football match. But in every step, we always practice the Pancasila and to promote understanding between the government and the public. Planting understand Pancasila also needs to be done early. The future generation should not only be forced to memorize, but also need to understand Pancasila in life.

*) The author is Social Observer

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