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Renewable Innovation sleigh Indonesia expected as “Qibla” World Palm Industry

Palm fruit illustration
Palm fruit illustration

By: Moch. Irfandi)*

The position of Indonesia as the largest palm manufacturers and exporters does not make Indonesia as “Qibla” innovation spawned the World. That condition certainly becomes a trigger for the interested parties to review the findings of processed palm develop industrial to create the high competitiveness innovation.

In response to previous Indonesian Palm Indutry about condition today, Director of Fund Management Board Plantation (BPDP) Palm Oil, Krisnamurthi said the palm oil research in Indonesia does not being mainstreaming businesses in the world.

One constraint is yet all about palm research findings can be used for a review of the interest of the industry, although many Palm Research Exhibitions held, but yet entirely generate new business about oil.

Bayu added, to review research findings increase the oil-based industry, the company Continue to improve the researcher Palm oil, both from professional circles as well as from student circles.

In 2016, BPDP already budgeted about Rp57 billion for a review of the Researcher of Palm oil. A year ahead, BPDP preparing around Rp60 billion will be paid. Now is already over 30 research institutions involved, more than 250 researchers with over 100 titles, and more than 100 students.

Wish him, between 2017 until 2019, Polm Oil research must prioritize the relevance of oil, so expect proposals sign with more able to engage yourself business agent. Not only just against company, but also shown to the farmer, farmer cooperatives, local government, central government what it requires research findings oil.

Increasing interest in research and preparing young researchers palm oil, praying only with organize oil level student research competition in 2016. since march 2016, according to Bayu, has conducted selection and been 20 best student with different departure points using 360 proposals from different universities.

So what point can be obtained from development of that condition?

Efforts to increase research in Palm Oil Indeed needed to explore potential of Palm Oil lying than can be utilized in the future and generate new innovation in the world of Palm Oil. Innovation shall be born from Indonesia remembering previous Currently, Indonesia is the World’s Largest Oil Exporter and Indonesia Must have passion being the leader of World Pam Oil industry.

)* Indonesia’s Political Economy Observer

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