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Pancasila Effective Vaccine Combating Radicalism


By: Deka Prawira )*

Pancasila is a powerful vaccine to eradicate radicalism. By strengthening the values ​​of Pancasila, the public is expected to know the life of the nation and state.

Radicalism is a forbidden ideology because it is not compatible with the character of a pluralistic society. The reason is because this understanding wants to make a caliphate state, even though Indonesia consists of various tribes and beliefs. Moreover, radicalism uses violent means to achieve its goals, resulting in many victims from civilians.

Eradication of radicalism is the government’s focus so that this understanding does not spread. The reason is that the radicals are getting more cunning by attracting the younger generation to become their new cadres and making approaches via social media. If left unchecked, it will be dangerous because young people are future leaders of the nation.

The head of the BNPT (National Counter-Terrorism Agency) Komjen Boy Rafli Amar analogized radicalism as a virus that spreads widely because it takes advantage of technological sophistication. The existence of digital spaces (especially during the pandemic where many people often have online meetings) is used by radical groups in carrying out their actions.

Komjen Boy Rafli Amar added that an effective anti-virus to eradicate radicalism is Pancasila which is full of tolerance and solidarity. The precepts of Pancasila can be implemented from the family to the work environment, anytime and anywhere. Pancasila is not only memorized but also applied in life because of its many benefits, one of which is to eradicate radicalism.

In a sense, with the application of Pancasila in the field, intolerance will be erased and replaced with national unity and integrity. If people only apply the first precept, then they will become more religious without insulting people with other beliefs (as taught by radical groups) because it is forbidden by the holy book.

Obedience to God is accompanied by good relations with fellow human beings, including those with different beliefs. We should not point at people’s faces just because we have a different faith, because it is not polite and will start a terrible racial war. If everything is peaceful and full of tolerance then radical groups cannot provoke.

Meanwhile, in the second principle of ‘just and civilized humanity’, as a good Indonesian citizen, he will be fair and also prioritize adab, including those who have different beliefs. If there are minorities in an environment, they will still be embraced because they are brothers in the field of humanity. So that radical groups cannot use the issue of intolerance to break the peace.

In the precepts of ‘Indonesian unity’, it is clear that we must unite to develop the country, even though the conditions are different. Especially during the pandemic, cooperation is intensified to overcome the impact. If everything is unified, it will also be united in fighting radicalism because that understanding is clearly destroying this nation.

The fourth and fifth precepts, namely ‘popularity led by wisdom in representative deliberation’ make us all deliberation in making decisions and remain united, as well as anti-radicalism that divides the nation. And the precepts of ‘Social justice for all Indonesian people’ show that the government has acted fairly and not in accordance with the accusations of radical groups.

By applying Pancasila in daily life, we are optimistic that we can eradicate radicalism to its roots. Do not let us become divided because of provocations by radical groups and terrorists. However, they must remain united and united to build the country, and implement all the precepts in Pancasila.

)* The author is a contributor to the press circle and a student of Cikini

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