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The President Set Seruyan Regency as Lagging Regions

One of the roads and the countryside in the Regency Seruyan
One of the roads and the countryside in the Regency Seruyan

By: Choirul Fuadi

CIDISS – Last November 4, 2015, (4/11/2015), the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko widodo issued Presidential Regulation (Regulation) number 131/2015 about the determination of the Area left behind by 2015 – 2019. In the regulation, the President Jokowi has set the 122 counties as the region left behind 2015-2019.

Among of the 122 Counties, one of them is the Regency Seruyan, province of Central Kalimantan. If we observe about Seruyan regency, there are many village isolated. Noted, there are about 25 isolated village without road and electricity.

Seruyan was borne according to UU RI No.5 Tahun 2002 which capital city is Kuala Pembuang. Seruyan was expansion area of Kotawaringin Barat and Kotawaringin Timur and located in the middle of that regency. The large are of this regency is 16.404 km². much people still uses boat as vehicle in transportation of daily activities.

In the Regulation mentioned, the left County area i.e. area of society for less developed compared with other areas in the national scale. An area designated as an area lagging based on criteria i.e., the community’s economy, human resources, infrastructure, financial capability areas, accessibility, and characteristics of the region.

According to this regulation, the Government set the region left behind every 5 years a nationally based on the criteria, indicators, and indicators of lag area. Determination of the areas left behind as intended was carried out on the basis which proposed Ministers by involving ministries/related agencies and local governments.

In terms of the existence of the establishment, expansion, and the merger of the County; or cope with exceptional circumstances, conflict, or natural disasters, according to this regulation, the President can designate areas lagging recently.

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