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Indonesian people are optimistic about passing the Covid-19 pandemic


By: Raavi Ramadhan) *

We’ve been through a pandemic for a year. The corona storm had indeed devastated people’s lives, because some had lost their jobs and their businesses were quiet. However, we must remain optimistic. The year 2021 is the time to move on and prepare, so as to quickly rise from the dark times.

A virus as small as a corona has ravaged factories around the world and caused a global crisis. Likewise in Indonesia. The economy has slowed down due to decreased purchasing power. The reason is because many of their companies have laid off their jobs , or have to be willing to accept only half of their wages because company profits have decreased.

Even though 2020 is like a nightmare, we shouldn’t be lingering for long, because life must go on. President Jokowi stated that the Indonesian people had gone through a difficult period of economic growth. 2021 is a period of recovery , a period of awakening that must be greeted with optimism, enthusiasm, hard work and courage.

President Jokowi added that a number of world financial institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, and OECD predict Indonesia’s economic growth will grow by 4-5% in 2021. However, we must prove that Indonesia must be better than they predict. The condition is that the nation’s energy must unite, focus on dealing with the health crisis , and boost economic growth.

Unity is indeed important so that all Indonesian people work together in dealing with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Do not even blame each other and be hostile, because you have a different view of life. Inga tlah that bhinneka Tunggal Ika is not just words, but it must be done, so that people’s lives for peace.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi also added that the key to national economic recovery is the ability to cope with the pandemic . By being disciplined in applying health protocols (wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping your distance), and doing 3T ( testing, tracing and treatment ).

The government continued to promote the health protocol for a year, and it continued to be campaigned so that everyone was disciplined. The reason is because lately many are ignorant and lazy to wear masks. Even though masks can prevent droplets that can transmit corona , and we don’t know who is the person without symptoms who can carry the covid-19 virus into their environment .

Likewise with physical distancing . Even though you have kept your distance outside the room, don’t be desperate to hold an event indoors. If you want to hold a wedding celebration, guests must be limited to a maximum of 35 people, so they can keep their distance and prevent everyone from the new corona cluster . Other events such as arisan are also held at a distance.

In addition, the community must obey the PPKM rules ( enforcing restrictions on community activities) and carry out corona vaccinations . The owner of the cafe or restaurant must obey and close the premises at 8pm. He and all his family members are also required to be vaccinated, so that they are healthy and do not contract the corona .

When everyone has been vaccinated, they must comply with health protocol, because herd immunity b aru can occur a year after the commencement of the national vaccination. Don’t get tired of doing it, because it hurts even more when you get corona . When everyone is healthy and the number of corona patients is reduced, then we can be free from pandemic status.

While waiting for the vaccinations to go on, we must be optimistic about the future. If you lose your job, then look for a new one, because one dies a thousand. There are lots of openings in the newspapers and on the internet, and look for one that fits your field.

When there are no vacancies yet, try new opportunities by selling. Especially now that we are facilitated by social media which can be used as a place for promotion. It is precisely during the pandemic that the online market is flourishing and is a good opportunity, because many people choose to shop via social media or marketplaces instead of going to the market.

Optimism is the key to keep getting up even though we are hit by corona . Don’t give up on getting new job opportunities, because there will always be hope for humans who are trying to be better. Stick to working out of the home while implementing health protocols.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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