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KPK Focuses on Eradicating Corruption, Ends TWK Polemic


By: Made Raditya )*

The national insight test is still a polemic for some parties. Even though TWK should not be a problem anymore, because it will not change the KPK’s decision at all. It is better for the community to support the KPK to continue to eradicate corruption and save state money.
When KPK employees are about to be appointed as state civil servants and have to take a national insight test, some are surprised. Whereas the KPK as an anti-corruption agency is an official institution under the state, so it is natural for its employees to be appointed as state servants. In addition, their appointment also has a strong legal umbrella, namely the KPK Law.
But the polemic about TWK is still rolling fast. There are those who are suspicious because they think that this test is not fair. However, the TWK polemic should have ended. Due to the fact that KPK employees who pass the exam, have been appointed as ASN on June 1, 2021.
Hendardi, Chair of the Setara Institute asked the KPK to ignore the polemic about TWK. It is better for them to focus on working to eradicate corruption in the country. Because the KPK PR is still a lot. In a sense, there are a lot of cases that need to be solved and there are plans for an arrest operation (OTT), so it’s better to focus on looking ahead and not paying attention to the chatter of cynics.
If there are employees who are affected by the TWK polemic, it is feared that they will become frustrated and affect their performance. In fact, the KPK’s work is very heavy and should not be subject to high psychological pressure from outside parties. If the TWK polemic does not end, the employees are afraid that they will get depressed and then get sick because of psychosis. This is very detrimental because the performance of the KPK is reduced.
The task of the KPK is very noble to save state money, and we must support them, not criticize and question the TWK material. Better to use your tongue to say good things. Instead of accusing and slandering that this test has a certain mode and there are political interests at play behind it.
It is better to let the KPK become an anti-corruption agency that works diligently and diligently to eradicate every criminal act of corruption in Indonesia. Even though the employees have been appointed as ASN, they are still allowed to carry out hand arrest operations. so that the performance of the KPK will not decrease at all.
We must support the KPK so that it becomes an anti-corruption institution that works hard to catch tie rats, aka naughty corruptors who are desperate to steal state money. If there are corruptors, then the people will be harmed, because the tax proceeds are misused by them. Therefore, the KPK must be supported, not criticized here and there.
If there are still polemics about the national insight test, then it is like walking backwards, because the exam has long been over. The assessment process is also very objective and the assessors work professionally. So it is impossible for there to be collusion between assessors, test material makers, and KPK officials.
Just stop the polemic about TWK and focus on the schedule for investigating corruption cases and the next OTT plan. If someone still has a problem with it, then he or she can be subject to the ITE Law, for making up on social media and indirectly vilifying the government. Because the KPK is an institution under the government.
Let’s support the KPK by spreading positive news about their achievements. The KPK is an honest and upright institution, so it cannot be interfered with by political interests or certain state officials. Don’t think negative about TWK and KPK, but let them work hard to take action against each corruptor.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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