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Society Needs to Actively Monitor Election Fraud


By: Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis)*

It is very important for all elements of society in Indonesia to continue to actively participate in monitoring the possibility of fraud against the practice of the 2024 General Election (Election). The reason is that if fraud continues to be allowed in any form, it will clearly greatly damage the climate and democratic system in the country.

Actually the practice of fraud, if it is done in any case is indeed a very bad thing and should be prevented. Moreover, this fraudulent practice was carried out in the holding of the 2024 General Election (Election) democratic party.

So, it is indeed a joint obligation for all parties to be able to continue to oversee and ensure the continuity of the democratic election party so that it can take place with full justice and honesty without fraud.

In order to realize a much better democratic system in Indonesia, indeed all the pillars of democracy must be able to unite properly. The reason is, the democratic system will be flawed if the pillars of the pillars of democracy themselves cannot support and work together, including youth, students, political parties and also the political elite.

Even for the political elite, they are actually completely inappropriate if they can provide discourse or opinions that actually touch and violate the constitution that has been written and agreed upon in Indonesia.

So, when there are certain political elites who actually continue to talk about postponing the election, increasing the term of office for the president and also other discourses that are very close together and violate the provisions of the constitution, then that is not a wise thing.

Even though in the name of democracy, if the clear provisions contained in the constitution are violated, then this is something wrong. So that whatever is clearly stipulated in the constitution, as a good citizen, you should continue to implement it and obey it.

Still regarding efforts to continue to minimize fraud in the 2024 Election, Member of the Indonesian General Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), Puadi said that his party continues to work with the whole community so that they can play an active role in supervising and monitoring the progress of the democracy movement in the country.

Therefore, the Bawaslu has formed an anti-money politics village which is expected to be able to continue to strengthen the commitment of all people to be able to reject the practice of money politics in the 2024 elections.

According to him, if the anti-money political village is formed, it is hoped that other villages will emerge which also have the character of a society with full awareness of politics that upholds clean and dignified democratization and has a firm commitment to rejecting fraud.

Puadi then reminded that the practice of money politics is not only a big enemy for the implementation of good democracy, but also a big enemy for development in a country. Therefore, Bawaslu consistently raises public awareness about the dangers of money politics.

In fact, some time ago, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also continued to ask the Bawaslu to always involve the participation of the wider community in overseeing fraud in the 2024 election, including the practice of money politics that occurred in the field at every stage of the election process.

President Jokowi even emphasized that the practice of political fraud, in particular the practice of money politics, is a disease in every democratic party event in Indonesia.

He likened the practice of money politics to a disease in every election event because it is indeed constantly encountered in the field and cannot be denied at all. Moreover, from how his experience was when he had participated in the Pilkada for the Mayor, the Election for the Governor and up to the Presidential Election.

President Jokowi then asked the Bawaslu to continue to intensify political education. This is aimed at continuing to maintain the climate for the 2024 elections which have high integrity and are also of high quality without money politics.

The Bawaslu itself also continues to invite the public to play an active role in supervising the implementation of the 2024 Election. In fact, the Chairperson of the Bawaslu, Rahmat Bagja said that if there were indications of fraud in the election, the public could immediately report it.

The existence of political fraud in any form, including when there is the spread of fake news and hoaxes that actually corner a certain party, as well as the existence of identity politics games and also the practice of money politics, indeed all of these things if allowed to continue will greatly damage the system and climate of democracy in Indonesia . Therefore, it is very important for all people in Indonesia to continue to monitor fraudulent practices in the 2024 elections.

)* The author is an Alumni of FISIP Unair

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