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Society of Central Kalimantan prefer using soft money than coin in purchase and sale

Illustration of coin in Indonesia
Illustration: of coin in Indonesia

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Money is valid tool which use in purchase and sale. Money is divided into soft money (paper) and coin. But, society of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia assumed lazy using coin in sale and purchase. It is seemed by low of money circulation (coin) in Central Kalimantan Province.

Indonesian Bank (BI) Central Kalimantan assumed the circulation or money circulation of coin is low in society of Central Kalimantan province. Society unwilling to use coin, it is proved by data in BI Central Kalimantan.

Society prefers using soft money than coin. Many sellers do not have coin as return money in purchase and sale, and then they change the money with candy.

Many factors caused the society unwilling using coin; one is society’s perceptions about coin. They feel ashamed; worry if rejected by seller, prestige, etc.

According to the case, BI Central Kalimantan conducted campaign movement to persuade society using coin in sale and purchase. Then, BI conducted National movement of coin care in yard of BI Central Kalimantan.

National movement of coin care has tagline BELA KALTENG (Belanjakan Logam Anda Kantong Lebih Enteng/ Purchase your coin, pocket more light). The movement has conducted on Saturday (20/8/2016) ago.

In the event, society requested to change the coin in Indonesian Bank. The aim of the movement is to push society using coin in sale and purchase.

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