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Anarchist Demonstrations Have No Sympathy


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

The number of reports related to student demonstrations and students a few weeks ago. Because the demonstrators not only acted brutally, they also damaged public facilities and disrupted the highway. Demonstrations that are detrimental to the community tend to be heavily criticized and do not get public sympathy.
The nature of the demonstration should be interpreted more deeply for the perpetrators. Actions as a form of conveying these aspirations have actually been guaranteed by the Law. But it is unfortunate, there are still elements who use this to make it even more turbid. It is these individuals who cause and provoke chaos that must be dealt with firmly. Not only are public facilities damaged, but even worse there will be fatalities due to clashes with security forces.
If asked who is wrong, we cannot immediately accuse one party. In terms of students or students, they only expressed their aspirations related to governance. The authorities only guarded the demonstration so that it did not deviate from its original purpose. However, what if a third party comes (an intruder), pitting both of them. Provoke and act violently, destroy everything that is in front of him. Then leaving students and officials in a situation that is too hot and murky, what can they do?
Students and students are considered not to obey the rules about expressing opinions in public. The students also insisted that their aspirations be listened to without obeying the rules for the expression of opinions in public. If this happens the issue of government incompetence will arise, and spread to things that should not be the topic of the purpose of the demonstration itself.
Therefore, start thinking clearly. The essence of this voice delivery can be done more wisely and wisely. With a variety of demos that are more attractive, also orderly without a single conflict. Like during a demonstration in Yogyakarta, a polite demonstration that could work together with the security forces. It is said that students who marched in greeting and some kissed the hands of the authorities after finishing the demonstration.
Not only Yogya, in Surabaya and Semarang also mentioned the demonstration to go according to the corridor. The question is, if these regions can clearly do it, why in other regions can not? What is the problem? After all, the element of purpose of delivering aspirations is also the same, RUU and RKUHP. So far the two problems are like an endless polemic. Though there are many more important things to consider.
Initially the Initiative and courage of the masses to take to the streets to express their aspirations about the rejection of the Criminal Code Bill was appreciated. But the anarchist actions of the masses are not justified. Many people judge if this action is a form of community disappointment, considering this kind of demonstration is not unusual.
Previously, there was a lot of anarchist demonstration coverage by students and students alike. Which is unfortunate for many parties. Although this demonstration has been guaranteed by the law and is the right of every citizen, in the case of riots can not be guaranteed. Despite their reasons for the government to respond quickly, anything that is as long as it still smells of anarchism is still not allowed. Not to mention the indication of third party complaining which is considered quite disturbing. This certainly adds to the long list of unresolved issues.
Reported in the demo involved clashing with officers. They brought and threw bottles, stones and Molotov cocktails towards the capitol. Public facilities are not immune from destruction. Sadly again the action was not only carried out by STM students, but high school and junior high school students. There he was involved in clashes with the authorities until the police fired tear gas.
If judging from the age aspect of course they are not yet included in the right to demonstrate. Remember, their basic learning obligations are also not over. Because they are still bound under the auspices of the education office, and the child protection council if they are under 17 years of age. In this case the role of the family as well as school educators must react to it more actively.
The role of the community here is not just supporting the action, but rather holding the main key to preventing the things that are not desirable. Let’s unite, reject the demonstration with anarchist actions, save our children, relatives and other citizens from the dangers of such actions. Especially the provocative efforts made by third parties to break up the unity and unity of the Republic of Indonesia. If the third party succeeds with the goal, then the loss will be us. Stop Anarchism!

) * The author is a social political observer

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