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Beware of the Stowaway of Democracy


By: Alfisyah Kumalasasri) *
Some parties assess the demonstrations and students that occurred a few weeks ago were ridden by stowaways. This can be seen from the mass demonstrations which always lead to chaos and generally move in the afternoon.
Demonstrations against a number of revisions to the legislation left many questions. Because there are indications if the demonstrations led to chaos in several cities ridden by other elements in the name of democracy. They have a negative intention by provoking protesters to act anarchist. However, sad they will raise their hands and run when scapegoats (demonstrators) are caught by the authorities.
There is nothing wrong when delivering aspirations related to governance, but it is better to continue to behave in the corridor of the law and the applicable rules. After all, demonstrations were also carried out in an orderly and peaceful manner without a shred of conflict. This indicates that the coordination of actions is checked and examined in detail. The people in charge as the person in charge must be optimal in performing their roles.
A similar sentiment was also expressed by Member of the House of Representatives Commission I, Syaiful Bahri Anshori, who said that demonstrations by students in various regions were very vulnerable to being ridden by stowaways. Which only wants to make the situation hotter and murky. He also expressed his appreciation for the students’ actions that were critical of several bills discussed by the DPR.
However, he added to remain aware of stowaways who only want to take advantage of the demonstration situation. Syaiful also stated that if the submission in the form of public aspirations was guaranteed by the Law. However, in the process of delivery it is not justified if accompanied by anarchist actions. Because this radical action leads to practices against the law.
It also hopes that at the same time asks all elements of the political elite so as not to make the atmosphere more heated. Not to forget he stated that the demonstration was not colored by various provocations that threatened and disturbed national security. This PKB politician also asked law enforcement officials to enforce it. decisive action for anyone who violates when the demonstration is carried out.
Former Menkumham Yasonna Laoly also appealed to all students who were holding a demonstration related to the bill to be vigilant and cautious of those who wanted to ride mass actions with destructive political interests.
Previously rumors circulated on social media with the hashtags lowering Jokowi who seemed to be juxtaposed with the hashtags of Gejayan Call. However, this was denied by the students and participants who were members of the demonstration.
Yasonna also admitted that she understood with a number of demands which were submitted by students to a number of elements of society. Namely the demands relating to the refusal of RKUHP ratification. He hoped that the government would be firm in asking the Indonesian Parliament to delay the ratification of the RKUHP until the coming period. Within that time span it was used as a forum for socialization of a number of articles which were considered “nyleneh”.
Besides about RKUHP, students also demanded the cancellation of the revision of the KPK Law revision. However, Yasonna responded with suggestions that it would be better if students submitted a Judicial Review process to the Constitutional Court. Furthermore, Yasonna repeatedly hoped that students would not be carried away by the wrong political agenda. This is to protect themselves from the efforts of third parties who want a split in the country.
Similar appeals also came from the security forces, who also cautioned that efforts to facilitate their own interests are being watched. Whether groups, groups, people, to alliances. Therefore, this provocation is considered quite threatening security stability. So that the security forces expressly stated that they would be ready to fight these elements and process them legally.
Apart from the hectic demonstration that led to chaos, it is better to align the focus in order to create stronger and stronger security stability. So that there are no loopholes for intruders to divide unity as well as the unity of the beloved country of the Republic of Indonesia. Demonstration as an attempt to convey aspirations is certainly permissible. Bearing in mind, this has been guaranteed by law. So that keeping the demonstration orderly, safe, comfortable and conducive will be more effective than accompanied by anarchism. Come on, fight stowaways in the name of Democracy!

) * The author is a social political observer

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