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BLT BBM to Maintain People’s Purchasing Power


By: Aulia Hawa )*

bali talk.id|  The government has distributed BLT BBM (Direct Cash Assistance for Fuel Oil). This assistance is given to maintain people’s purchasing power. If there is BLT, people hold money and spend it, then the market will be crowded and the wheels of the economy will move quickly.

Subsidized fuel prices have been adjusted with the following details. For diesel, it is 6,800 rupiah, Pertamax is 14,500, and Pertalite is 10,000 rupiah per liter. This price is valid from September 3, 2022.

The fuel price adjustment had to be made due to a reduction in subsidies, and indeed the world crude oil price rose drastically from 65 to 100 dollars per barrel. However, the government provides compensation from the fuel price adjustment in the form of BLT. Poor people can enjoy BLT and are expected to help them with shopping.

BLT BBM provided by the government is Rp. 150,000, will be given in 4 months. President Jokowi hopes that the BLT will maintain people’s purchasing power. He directly monitored the distribution of BLT in Tanimbar, Maluku.

In a sense, the BLT received by the community will be used for spending, because the government has ordered that the money be spent and not just saved. The BLT money bought for basic needs and various other necessities will increase people’s purchasing power. If purchasing power increases and is maintained, it will be very good because the circulation of money must be done every day.

The circulation of money in the market must be carried out so that the wheels of the economy continue to run. On the other hand, if no one spends money, it will be dangerous because the wheels of the economy are slowing down and it is not good for the state’s financial situation. Therefore, BLT is given to move the wheels of the economy and maintain people’s purchasing power.

People’s purchasing power must be maintained because it protects from stagflation conditions, in which economic growth slows and unemployment is high. In a sense, when purchasing power decreases, economic growth also decreases. The solution is that people are given BLT so that they can have higher purchasing power, so that the Indonesian economy can rise again even though it is still during the pandemic.

The government has allocated social assistance (bansos) worth 24.17 trillion from the transfer of fuel subsidies for 3 assistance. The first is BLT which is given to 20.4 million people. The second is a wage subsidy of 600,000 to 16 million workers with a maximum salary of 3.5 million rupiah per month.

While the third is assistance from the local government of 2.17 trillion, which is given to transportation sector workers such as drivers, fishermen, etc. The three aids are given to people who are entitled to it and they are happy because they get compensation from the fuel price adjustment.

The provision of BLT shows the government’s attention to the poor. They will have no more trouble after the fuel price is adjusted because the subsidy is reduced. However, they will be able to spend as usual because they are given BLT by the government.

Previously, they had also received BLT since the beginning of the pandemic because they were really underprivileged.

If there is compensation from the fuel price adjustment and it is transferred in the form of a subsidy, it will be better, because the subsidy will be given to those who are entitled to it. Subsidies that are converted into BLT will be given directly to the poor. Meanwhile, if there is no transfer of subsidies, it is even dangerous, because subsidized fuel can be bought by rich people, and they commit violations because they take other people’s rights.

The government really wants subsidies to be given directly to people who are entitled to it and avoid the risk of using subsidized fuel by those who are more capable. In addition, for the provision of BLT BBM, it will be coordinated with the local government so that it will be right on target. There will be no stray BLT because it has been surveyed beforehand and the data seen in the kelurahan.

People will queue at the Post Office to get BLT BBM and they really need it, because they come from underprivileged groups. The provision of BLT in the form of cash was also praised because it was more practical, in contrast to BLT for basic necessities, which still required transportation costs. In addition, cash BLT will be spent immediately and people’s purchasing power will be strong again.

The government also socialized that BLT BBM must be spent immediately until it runs out. Don’t save anything either partially or completely. The reason is because if it is spent, the condition of the Indonesian economy will be safe.

The public is expected to remain calm in the face of changes in fuel prices at gas stations. Don’t let anyone smack you or regret that you didn’t stock up in the jerry can first. Fuel price adjustments and subsidy reductions had to be made because world crude oil prices were also fluctuating, and this was happening all over the world. In many countries, the price of gasoline is also adjusted by the respective government.

BLT BBM is given by the government with the aim of maintaining people’s purchasing power. They will get a total of 600,000 rupiah divided into 4 months. It is hoped that this assistance will ease the burden of the poor, and at the same time maintain the people’s purchasing power in the market. The wheels of the economy will keep turning even though the fuel price is adjusted by the government.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangsa Institute

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