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Community Supports Tightening PPKM


By: Aditya Akbar) *

The central and regional governments continue to strive to reduce the positive number of Covid-19 through various recent breakthroughs. One of these efforts is to tighten the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in order to reduce daily Covid-19 cases.
The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta decided to extend the Social Restrictions until February 8, 2021, which initially took effect January 11 to 25. This PSBB is carried out considering the number of daily cases in Jakarta is still high and is also in accordance with the direction of the central government which sets the period for the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
In fact, in the last few days, the addition of daily cases in DKI Jakarta has reached more than 3 thousand cases per day. Death cases also tend to increase entering this January.
Ahmad Yani, as secretary of the PKS Jakarta faction, asked all parties to support the policy of extending the Strict PSBB so that the spread of the Covid-19 case would be more controlled.
The community is of course expected to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols including to always wear masks when outside the house, even though they are close, do not gather or do activities that cause crowds, avoid crowds and always keep their distance and diligently wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer and in its implementation. need local based tightening.
Meanwhile, the PPKM policy is planned to end on February 8, 2021. However, the government has given a signal that it will not lock down the area in a limited or only period of time.
Airlangga Hartarto as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs who is also the Chair of the Covid-19 and Economic Recovery Committee said, Optimizing PPKM using a micro-scale approach, involving villages, villages, RT / RW, involving the smallest task force to the central task force.
The PPKM optimization policy aims at increasing community discipline in carrying out health protocols which include 3M, washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining distance.
Meanwhile, the Covid-19 Task Force has monitored changes in community behavior during the Enactment of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). The Covid-19 Task Force assessed that there has been a change in people’s behavior for 2 weeks but it has not been said to be successful, said the Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Prof. Wiku Adisasmito in a streaming broadcast on the Youtube channel of the Presidential Secretariat.
Wiku said that his party was optimistic about this change in behavior. According to him, PPKM will have an impact if people adhere to health protocols.
Wiku said that limiting this activity would have an even more significant impact on the development of positive cases and the need for health protocols if it was carried out with discipline by all levels of society.
The government also reported that 256 cities and districts have adhered to keeping their distance and avoiding crowds since the PPKM was implemented. Initially, 241 districts / cities were declared obedient in implementing distancing and avoiding crowds at the beginning of the PPKM period.
During the PPKM week (25-31 January), this figure continues to increase by 15 districts / cities, equivalent to 6.2% to 256 districts / cities.
From 263 regencies / cities to 250 regencies / cities, the amount is 5.2%.
However, in the second week of PPKM implementation this figure persisted so there was no further decline in districts / cities that obeyed in wearing masks. But once again, restrictions on new activities should be said to be successful if they are able to increase public compliance in wearing masks.
On a different occasion, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, issued a telegram letter to support the imposition of restrictions on micro-scale community activities (PPKM).
The telegram letter was signed by the Head of the National Police as the Head of the Safe Nusa II Covid-19 Handling Commission for Police, Agus Andrianto. The telegram numbered ST / 203 / II / Ops.2. / 2021 is addressed to all Kapolda on the island of Java-Bali.
In his statement, the telegram letter was issued in order to prepare Polri’s support for the policy plan.
In the telegram, all regional levels were instructed to carry out coordination and cooperation with Forkompimda, Provincial / city BPBDs and involve epidemiologists to map areas prone to the spread of Covid-19.
In addition, the Kapolda were asked to conduct socialization related to the PPKM implementation plan on a micro scale.
The Kapolda were also asked to raise the community to be proactive in providing information on active cases of Covid-19 in their respective regions to support 3T (Testing, Tracing, Treatment) or testing, tracking and treatment.
The community certainly deserves to support this program because the implementation of this PPKM involves a micro-based approach so that it will involve the Covid task force both at the central level to the smallest level, namely the RT / RW.
) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Science Institute (LSISI)

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