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Covid-19 Vaccine Guaranteed to be Safe and Halal to Use


The corona vaccine in Indonesia is confirmed to be safe and 100% halal by the MUI and has passed the BPOM test. The public is expected not to hesitate to vaccinate for the sake of accelerating the formation of herd immunity.

Recently, people are very enthusiastic about vaccination, and they seem to be fighting for slots to get the vaccine. The first reason is that they already understand that vaccination is very effective in fighting corona and increasing body immunity. Second, if you want to travel, especially abroad, you must present a vaccine card at this time.

Everyone already understands that vaccination is one way to avoid corona, because the Sinovac vaccine is made from an attenuated virus. So the body will have high immunity. In addition, this vaccine is definitely safe because it passed the BPOM test. Even President Jokowi himself tried the vaccine for the first time to test its safety and he is in good health so far.

In Indonesia, the vaccines used include Sinovac and AstraZaneca. Both types of vaccines have passed phase 3 clinical trials, are registered with the WHO, so their safety is guaranteed. Spokesman for the COVID-19 task force, Doctor Wiku, stated that clinical trials are a stage that every vaccine must go through to ensure that it is safe for humans to use and has the effectiveness of producing immunity against the corona virus.

People also don’t have to be afraid of vaccines, because their development is carried out by doctors, experts, and also WHO. Vaccine development is not a joke, especially since this vaccine is made and developed to prevent transmission of the corona virus. So that people will feel safe, because the vaccine products that enter Indonesia are really valid.

The corona vaccine is also safe because it does not contain harmful ingredients such as mercury, borax, preservatives, formalin, and others. This has been tested by experts from BPOM. At first glance it seems a bit surprising, why is the exam so fast? The reason is because this pandemic is an emergency so there is a cut in the bureaucracy, so the results come out quickly.

In addition to being safe, the vaccine also has MUI halal status. There’s no need to doubt it’s halal, because all members and management of MUI guarantee it. They even took part in guarding from the beginning of the manufacture of the vaccine in October 2020 in China, until its arrival in Indonesia. This ensures that it is fully halal.

The halal status of the corona vaccine is contained in the MUI Fatwa number 2 of 2021, which states that the covid-19 vaccine is proven to be holy and halal. In addition, the corona vaccine can be used as long as its safety is guaranteed according to experts.

The halalness of the corona vaccine is very important because the majority of Indonesian citizens are Muslims. However, they automatically believe that the one who issues the halal fatwa is the MUI, which is a valid and official institution to declare the halalness of a product, including vaccines.

To increase public trust, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin has also been vaccinated, and he, who is a cleric, believes that this vaccine is halal. The reason is because this vaccine has been guaranteed by MUI, and he knows that it only contains an attenuated virus, and does not contain pork gelatin or other non-halal ingredients.

The kiai from various Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia have also been vaccinated and they urge all ustad and santri (over 12 years of age) to be injected. They believe that the corona vaccine is safe and halal, and vaccination is a powerful way to fight the corona. Moreover, the cottage is very prone to cluster formation, so that everything must be vaccinated. Halal and vaccine safety have been guaranteed by BPOM and MUI. The public is asked to participate in the national vaccination program and receive injections at the designated health center or hospital. So that if more and more people are vaccinated, group immunity will be formed, as a condition for ending the pandemic phase. (Aulia Putri)

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