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For the sake of Fishermen’s Welfare and Marine Ecosystem Protection, Susi will help fishermen move from Cantrang


CIDISS. Prohibition of using cantrang to catch fish is finally revoked. This occurred after discussion between the fishermen who use cantrang, with President Joko Widodo and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti.

Furthermore, the use of cantrang, especially cantrang ships, can be used again. Susi said the permission given to use cantrang again no time limit. Only, Susi did not remain silent. He will invite fishermen to move from cantrang.

Previously Susi has tolerated cantrang use until the end of December 2017, and from January 2018 onwards cantrang should not be used again. Walking in tandem with the policy, Susi also distributed environmentally friendly fishing gear to fishermen and fishery vessel assistance.

Susi added cantrang ship allowed to go back to sea with a note cannot add the ship.

Speaking in front of a crowd of fishermen protesting against the cantrang ban, Susi said, for all present today, please honored our decision, I do not want any illegal cantrang ship, no size and not appropriate but still go out to sea.

On one side of the policy brought blessings to the Fishermen because the Fishermen finally get back to work to support his family. On the other hand, its use can damage the marine ecosystem. Let’s leave it completely to Minister Susi related to cantrang policy because He surely knows the best for the Indonesian Nation.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah *)

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