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The Use of The Term Religious Manipulator for Radicalism


By: Andhika Lazuardi *

The government proposes the term radicalism to be replaced by a religious manipulator. The effort is expected to be able to narrow the space for radicalism and maintain domestic political stability.
The spread of radicalism that is troubling is increasingly widespread. Not only has an impact on the community, even the latest news says this understanding has infected a number of civil servants, state employees, police officers and also the military. And even more astonishing is the percentage of deviant notions experienced by students the most. Sad indeed, the next generation that should have been a pillar of the nation instead declared itself to be anti-Pancasila. However, various approaches to cure the “disease” of radicalism.

The government does not remain silent to see its citizens infected with self-threatening understandings. Including making an update of the MoU regarding terrorism and radicalism. So that actions will be able to be harmonized and implemented properly. Related to the term deviant understanding, there was a suggestion that President Jokowi would replace the term that seemed “hard” with a religious manipulator. It aims to prevent the expansion of radicalism understanding is increasingly widespread.

Boni Hargens, as the Director of the Indonesian Electoral Institution (LPI) responded positively to President Jokowi’s proposal. According to him, the statement could be used as an effort to maintain political stability after the 2019 Presidential Election. Through this new term, Boni assessed that political unrest will decrease. However, he did not dismiss if the new term is not able to simplify radicalism. It stated that “religious manipulation” is part of the modus operandi of radicalism groups’ performance against religion.

When talking about religious radicalism, there is indeed no doctrine or ideology, but a political movement. In fighting for these ideals, it must be in conflict with Pancasila and the Indonesian national direction. Previously, President Jokowi asked his staff to act decisively in an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism. According to him, a new term is needed to stop its spread. President Jokowi also explained that there must be a serious and consistent effort to suppress his movement. From there the Republic of Indonesia number 1 gave the proposal “religious manipulator” instead of being called radicalism.

On the other hand, Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Zainut Tauhid did not question this designation. He supports all steps of the President in eliminating all possibilities of dividing the nation. He said the President’s enthusiasm for understanding religion was in the right context. Because, religion does indeed provide peace and tranquility. Zainut said that radicalism had no correlation at all with religious teachings. In fact, it is religion that actually guides humans to live in peace, peace, and unite all people. Religion exists to provide compassion, religion is also present to unite us in differences, and not even divide the unity and integrity of the nation.
The former mayor of Solo then threw a discourse to change the term radicalism to religious manipulators. Jokowi handed it over to Mahfud MD as the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to coordinate this matter.

The importance felt by the government due to this deviant understanding is indeed natural. Moreover, there will be many reports related to the increasingly widespread deviant exposure, infecting anyone indiscriminately. As usual, this kind of proposal reaps the pros and cons, but all decisions must be deliberated properly. Moreover, President Jokowi is also just beginning to propose, right? This admiration for the President is growing, the fast-paced action on handling a problem is second to none. Not only one or two polemics that can be completed, but many. It’s just not exposed in public. However, traces of the realization of the promise to advance the Indonesian nation gradually have been proven. With regard to various problems of action and understanding of radicalism, it also did not escape his attention.

Various attempts were made, including deploying joint military and police officers to maintain state security stability in areas prone to the spread of deviant notions. The president also appealed to all the people of Indonesia to unite to fight this radicalism. Foster an attitude of tolerance and uphold the archipelago based on the principles of the 4 pillars of the nation. Namely, Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the principle of unity in diversity as well as the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. This understanding of the most fundamental basis is expected to be able to fortify every citizen so as to avoid all possibilities that occur. Moreover, deviant teachings of this kind are considered incompatible with human values.

) * The author is a social political observer

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