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KAMI Alert Provocateurs of National Turmoil


By: Edi Jatmiko ) *

KAMI Presidium Gatot Nurmantyo’s statement regarding support for labor demonstrations suddenly became the public spotlight. KAMI action needs to be watched out for because it is considered to have provoked the nation’s turmoil.

WE, which was founded on August 18, feels like an increasingly strange organization because it has deviated from its name. From the start they had aimed to save Indonesia, but instead they were busy making speeches, spit out hate speeches , and held additional declarations outside the city. Even though people need proof, not just sweet and poetic words.

The issue of the omnibus law heating up in October 2020 was put to good use by US. They deliberately supported the demonstration to make it appear that they supported the little people who were fighting for their rights. Even though both the workers and the US are consumed by fake news about the omnibus law , so what is shouted during a demonstration is useless.

KAMI mode of supporting labor demonstrations is to provide logistics to protesters. Don’t think this makes them heroes, because there are shrimp behind the rock. They support workers because they are actually jealous and want to get attention from the media, aka aji mumpung.

This is not the only time KAMI become provocateurs of national turmoil . At the end of last September, they issued a controversial statement that the film Rebellion of the G30S PKI must be played again. The goal was so that Indonesian children would not forget the PKI atrocities. Whereas when there was a screening of this film, KAMI Presidium Gatot Nurmantyo fell asleep.

After bringing up the issue of neo PKI and failing miserably, KAMI tried to raise the issue of regional head elections. They prohibit simultaneous regional elections at the end of this year, for fear of a new corona cluster . Because during the voting and campaigning for mayor or regent candidates, there was a crowd, which was dangerous because there was no distance.

The statement regarding the ban on the simultaneous regional elections is inversely proportional to the support at the labor demonstration. Because in fact KAMI support demonstrations, even though the authorities have clearly prohibited them. The reason is because this demo can create a demonstration cluster. This shows that KAMI are inconsistent in issuing statements.

When KAMI made a declaration in Surabaya and it was rejected by many people, they accused the demonstrators were only people who were paid by certain individuals. Even though this accusation is wrong. It is precisely those who are suspected of paying a lot of people during the labor demonstration, so that this action heats up and they can control the masses to get even more violent.

KAMI also took part in fame when the omnibus law was still the subject of discussion. The difference is, if in the past they strongly opposed the promulgation of this Law , now they have turned back in support. A video spread on social media containing the statement of the KAMI Presidium, Gatot Nurmantyo , praising the omnibus law . Suddenly people chuckled because he was inconsistent.

If KAMI already know KAMI machinations to always get fame on news that is viral , do KAMI still support it all out? Don’t support the wrong person and always want to find face, because KAMI are wrong too. If KAMI issue a statement, then first check the truth. Because if not, KAMI will both be trapped in a hoax .

KAMI have indeed been caught in a political mode and they always want to get on the stage and be highlighted by journalists. But unfortunately, the method is wrong, because it does not make achievements and tries to save Indonesia. But instead it makes controversial news and grabs fame on a hot topic .

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Student

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