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Reunion 212 Thick Political Shades


By: Ismail )*

Although it has been repeatedly called that the reunion 212 is not a political arena, but the reunion 212 years ago was actually one of the parties from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), calling on all the mass actions not to elect a presidential candidate supported by the party of religious dissidents. But now they feel hurt when the hailed figure accepts the offer of reconciliation and becomes a minister in the Forward Indonesia cabinet. Not excessive if Reunion 212 is considered an activity that is thick with political nuances.

In 2018, Head of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) currently in Saudi Arabia, Habib Rizieq commented on Reunion 212. Sentences delivered by Habib Rizieq through audio recordings recorded from Mecca, Saudi Arabia is more or less like this. ‘We stated without hesitation at this 212 Mujahid reunion that in the 2019 presidential election it was forbidden to choose presidential candidates and candidates supported by religious dissident parties, anti-sharia parties. The sentence is also repeated.

Obviously we know that what was conveyed by the FPI frontman was one of the attempts to topple Jokowi, who at that time was Prabowo Subianto’s political rival, but it seems that the councils raised by Habib Rizieq had no effect and the results of the Presidential Election were still won by Paslon Jokowi Ma’ruf -Amin.

Earlier, the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) said a demonstration of thousands of Muslims on 2 December 2016 demanded that former Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok be jailed for judging blasphemy, which later became known as the ‘212 movement’ but after the verdict was handed down and Ahok languished in prison, LSI said there was a trend of increasing levels of intolerance in Indonesia.

LSI senior researcher Burhanudin Muhtadi said that one of the causes of the decline of democracy in Indonesia was civil liberties. One measure is whatever religious, social and ethnic background, everyone has the same opportunity to become a public official or exercise the right to worship, believe and expression.

Burhanudin said the survey on intolerance involved Muslim and non-Muslim respondents. There were six questions raised, four related to political intolerance and two others concerning cultural religious intolerance.

These questions include whether you object or not if non-Muslims become president, vice president, governor, mayor or regent. The same question was asked of non-Muslim respondents. Questions related to social religious intolerance such as the issue of permission to build houses of worship for Muslims or non-Muslims, religious celebrations around your residence.

The results obtained are. The majority of Muslims 54% do not mind if non-Muslims hold religious events in the surrounding area. But the vast majority of Muslims 52 percent objected that non-Muslims built houses of worship around their homes.

Burhanudin also added that 52 percent of Muslims also objected if non-Muslims became mayors, regents or governors. As many as 55 percent of Muslims also object if non-Muslims become vice presidents. The rejection turned out to be even greater when the position in question was president, where 59 percent of Muslims objected if non-Muslims became president.

Burhanudin’s prediction also showed the truth, at which time he denied the demonstration 212 was only a momentary phenomenon and would stop after the former DKI Jakarta Governor went to prison. He said it was precisely the trend of increasing levels of intolerance if there were non-Muslims becoming regional heads or heads of government, precisely since the 212 movement that Ahok went to prison.

Thus, political intolerance towards non-Muslims continues and its effects begin to spread to the social level. It stressed that before the 212th Movement, the trend of political and social religious intolerance was down.

That is, the 212 movement is a movement that opens the tap expected to increase intolerance. If this is the case, then why is the 212 reunion still maintained?

Could the 212 movement be minimal from provocation? Just last year, let alone the organizing committee intends to repatriate their leaders who still live in Saudi Arabia.

If indeed later Habib Rizieq will fill lectures either through video recordings or come directly, of course you can imagine, what would roughly be delivered by Rizieq in front of the 212 reunion participants, which Habib Rizieq lectures are shady with soothing nuances, precisely what is there his lectures tend to be intolerant of government and other religions.

)* The author is a social political observer

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