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The Government’s Commitment, THR For Full Paid Labor


By: Achmad Faisal

The government is always committed to fulfilling the welfare of workers or laborers. Among these commitments is the payment of holiday allowances (THR) to workers ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2021.

As a regulator, the government through the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah stipulates that the Lebaran 2021 THR must be paid in full and on time by employers to their workers. This policy is contained in Circular Letter (SE) Number M / 6 / HK.05 / IV / 2021 concerning the Implementation of the 2021 Religious THR for Workers or Laborers in the Company.

Minister Ida emphasized that THR is non-wage that must be paid by employers to workers or laborers no later than seven days before religious holidays arrive. This SE is issued as a commitment by employers to pay THR to workers in full and on time.

Ida admits that the Covid-19 pandemic has indeed affected the income of entrepreneurs. However, the government has provided support in various forms for entrepreneurs to overcome the 19 pandemic. The purpose of this support is to keep the economy running.

Although the SE requires entrepreneurs to pay THR in full and on time, the government provides concessions for companies that are still affected by the Covid-19 pandemic according to the set time. Companies in this category can pay a maximum THR of H-1 Eid. This is true provided that management is in dialogue with workers to reach an agreement.
The condition is that the company is transparent in explaining its financial statements for the last two years to employees.
The result of the agreement between the company and the worker with these conditions must be made in writing and submitted to the Manpower Office. This company is required to report before D-7 Eid.

In order for regulations to run well, the Ministry of Manpower opened a community complaint post regarding the THR. The Ministry of Manpower promises that the complaint reports received will be immediately followed up or processed.

According to the records of Menaker Ida, during the period 20-23 April 2021, the THR Posko received 194 reports. The number is divided from 119 THR consultations and 75 THR complaints. Each incoming report is immediately followed up by the handling team from the Directorate General of Industrial Relations and Workers Social Security (PHI and Jamsos) and the Directorate General of Labor Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health (PPK and K3) of the Ministry of Manpower.

The Ministry of Manpower established the THR Religious Posts 2021 not only at the central level, but also in the regions covering the provincial and district / city levels. To be more effective, the THR 2021 Posko also involves a Monitoring Team from elements of the Workers Union / Labor Union (SP / SB) and from the elements of the Employers’ Organization. Both are members of the National Wage Council.

It is clear that the government is serious about protecting workers ‘or laborers’ rights related to THR. There is no need to doubt the government’s commitment to workers or laborers. The government will always be there and present for the Indonesian people.

) * The author is a former journalist

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