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Prokes Discipline Prevents Increase in Positive Cases of Covid-19


By: Dian Ahadi )*

Corona cases in Indonesia are rising again and the public is urged to continue to be disciplined in carrying out health protocols. If everyone obeys the protocol, it will reduce the number of Covid-19 patients which can hamper the National Economic Recovery (PEN).

The Covid-19 virus has claimed more than 160,000 lives in Indonesia and people certainly don’t want to be infected with Corona. Moreover, the number of Covid-19 patients has increased again, and as of July 15, 2022, more than 3,000 people have contracted the Corona virus. This number is sad because in June 2022, there were ‘only’ 500 patients per day.

The increase in the number of Corona patients also affects the BOR (bed occupancy rate) aka the occupancy of hospital beds for Corona patients. Doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro, Government Spokesperson and Ambassador for the Adaptation of New Habits, stated that there was an increase in BOR of 0.31 percent in a month. The number is indeed not too high but the public must be aware of Corona and always obey health protocols.

Doctor Reisa continued, the increase in Corona cases usually appears 20 to 35 days after the holiday and peaks on the 43rd to 65th day after the holiday. He predicts that in the fourth month of July 2022 there will be a peak in the increase in Corona cases in Indonesia. Therefore, everyone should not be careless, but must wear a mask and be disciplined in the process.

When viewed from the increase in BOR, at first glance it is not too high, which indicates that most Corona patients are not treated in hospitals, but only seek treatment at home. They may also have mild symptoms. However, as light as Corona is, of course the body will have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, as well as prolonged fatigue. Don’t want to get Covid-19 and handle it with health protocols.

Before the peak of the increase in Corona cases occurs, people can avoid it with a healthy lifestyle, diligently eating vegetables, drinking water, exercising, and of course obeying the procedures. Bad possibilities can happen if everyone is united to fight Corona. The pandemic is not over yet and remember that Corona is still in Indonesia.

To prevent transmission of Corona and reduce the rate of increase in positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia, there is no other way except vaccination and health protocols (Prokes). Since the beginning of the pandemic, people have been advised to always wear masks when outside the home. When the pandemic has not been declared over, you must still wear a mask, even if you only go to a neighbor’s shop.

Meanwhile, the WHO (World Health Organization) urges governments from all countries in the world to install a public health emergency status and re-obligate the use of masks, maintain ventilation, and maintain distance. This was stated by the Director General of WHO Tedros Adanom. The pandemic is not over yet and each country must announce the risks of Corona and steps to protect themselves from the evil virus.

Naturally, if the WHO intervened because the pandemic occurred globally. If all countries are united in handling Corona and obey health protocols, it will reduce the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Especially during the pandemic, borders between countries have been opened again, and when all countries obey the protocol, it will not increase the risk of Corona transmission between foreign nationals.

Indonesian people are expected to obey WHO orders by wearing masks. They even asked for double masks to be worn, aka single-use masks and cloth masks at the same time. The reason is because the Covid-19 virus, the Omicron subvariant BA.4 and BA.5 variants are so dangerous and need a double mask to strengthen air filtration.

Likewise with other points in the process, must be obeyed. The community is expected not only to memorize the points in the process but also to implement them. For example, discipline in washing hands every time you come to a place, or using hand sanitizer.

The public is also expected to remember to keep their distance and avoid crowds, aka do not leave the house if there is a crowd. If there is a public place such as a restaurant or mall, the manager must be disciplined and keep the maximum number of visitors only 50%. To be more secure, residents who want to travel there come when it’s just opened so that the situation is still quiet and can keep their distance.

Also comply with other prokes such as reducing mobility, bathing and changing clothes, keeping the environment clean, and others. Prokes must be obeyed because it can prevent the body from the danger of Corona. In addition, if you are disciplined, you will avoid viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous diseases.

Discipline in adhering to prokes is an absolute during a pandemic. Always wear a mask and follow other points in the health protocol. Remember that Corona is dangerous because it can threaten lives, therefore you must obey the prokes. Also improve protection from the Covid-19 virus with vaccination, so it is hoped that it can accelerate the decline in positive cases and accelerate the transition from pandemic to endemic.

)* Author is cont

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