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Supports the crackdown on the Papuan separatist movement


By: Abner Wanggai) *

The Free Papua Organization (OPM) continues to spread terror. Victims of vicious acts of separatism in Papua are not only from the military / police, but also indigenous Papuans. The government was asked to act decisively to crush the terror movement. The Indonesian government seems to be getting frustrated by the actions of the perpetrators of the separatist movement. Whether it’s KKSB, OPM or others. They seemed to not give up even not afraid to die for the struggle to free themselves from the Homeland. They also did not hesitate to slaughter all parties who were considered to obstruct their movements.

Although separatist movements in Papua and other regions in the Republic of Indonesia are getting smaller, they still pose a threat to the stability of security for the nation. Until now there are still efforts from separatist movements abroad which were carried out by Benny Wenda’s group, one of them. Namely, to garner the political support of the international community for its struggle to realize Papuan independence.
In fact, the Government has never less or less sought to resolve the issue of separatism, both through repressive activities towards armed and persuasive groups. In the form of increased justice and community welfare. So that this can be completed comprehensively and comprehensively within the framework of special autonomy.

On the other hand, counteracting the negative propaganda carried out by separatist movements abroad and increasing diplomatic efforts to convince the international community of the importance of safeguarding Indonesia’s sovereignty are also considered quite crucial. Previously, Bambang Soesatyo as Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament urged the United Nations to include the Free Papua Organization (OPM) as a terrorist organization because their actions had exceeded the limits. Including brutal killing and terrorizing innocent civilians.
He said this was related to the case of the death of 31 workers in the Nduga region, Papua some time ago. These attacks and killings are caused by the rejection of infrastructure development in the Bumi Cendrawasih region.

Bambang also expressed his condolences over the shooting incident of PT Istaka Karya’s employees in Papua conducted by OPM. He considered if the action was out of bounds, and should have entered into the category of terrorists. The House of Representatives strongly condemned the armed slaughter groups in Papua who have committed heinous acts against innocent citizens, he added. Bambang stated, the DPR also hoped that the government could immediately take firm and harsh actions against the perpetrators and restore security conditions in Papua.

Meanwhile, Member of the House of Representatives Commission I Sukamta in his interruption at the DPR Plenary Meeting, emphasized that the Government of Indonesia must find smart solutions in the welfare of the Papuan people while respecting the customs that have been adopted by the Papuan people. This must be done, considering that they (Papuans) already feel comfortable being part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Sukamta guarantees Bambang Soesatyo’s opinion that the murder case against the 31 workers should not go away so that it must be thoroughly dealt with by arresting the perpetrators. According to him, armed gangs in Papua should not only be called the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), because they are a military organization suspected of having weapons and their supplies.

He hopes the government will issue a Government Regulation (PP) related to Military Operations Other Than War (OMSP) so that it is used to overcome the problem of terrorism in Papua. With regard to the PP related to OMSP, it is a follow up of Law number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI and Law number 5 of 2018, which contains the Eradication of Terrorism Criminal Acts. He added that the regulation was needed so that cases in Papua could be resolved immediately so that the Papuan people felt safe and comfortable joining the Archipelago.

In order to realize the prevention and control of separatism, the government must also restore security and order conditions. Including improving the quality of the implementation of regional autonomy and decentralization and democratization, to increasing early detection and early prevention of potential conflicts and separatism. It is not impossible if all methods are practiced, then the state will soon find success in combating this deviant group. Because, now it’s not just a matter of one or two people. However, it concerns all the security and safety of Papuans. Although Papuans have declared themselves part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, in fact this separatist group does not want to accept its defeat.

So, efforts to tackle it do need to be improved. The success of the government and its apparatus in capturing several separatist group leaders must also not be forgotten. Because many victims died in this arrest attempt. Hopefully this will be a step towards opening doors to eradicate separatist groups in Papua.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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