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The Government is Optimal to Build Infrastructure Progress in Papua’s New Autonomous Region


By : Veronica Lokbere )*

The Indonesian government has been very optimal in its efforts to build all progress, especially in the field of infrastructure in Papua, through the expansion of the region or the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Cenderawasih Earth for the sake of improving public services and people’s welfare.

The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Wamendagri RI), John Wempi Wetipo emphasized that the Central Government continues to establish joint policy synergies with many parties, including Regional Governments (Pemda) throughout the Land of Papua for the development of Cenderawasih Land.

Indeed, after the division of the region with the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua and West Papua, then all relevant stakeholders were immediately gathered to discuss synergies together, including the Daily Executive (Plh) of the Governor of Papua, Person in Charge (Pj ) The Governor of West Papua and also the 4 (four) Acting Governors in the new autonomous region so that all Regents and Mayors also attended.

The purpose of this synergy is so that all parties, especially the local Regional Heads, can really be perpendicular to continue to oversee the process of implementing accelerated development in Papua.

Several things continue to be the focus of the Government of Indonesia regarding the acceleration of development in Papua, namely infrastructure development, government policies regarding the expansion of the New Autonomous Region, educational issues to health problems in Cenderawasih Earth, which are all aimed solely at increasing the welfare of the whole community.

It is known that currently the Central Government itself is really trying its best to prepare all infrastructure development in the four new autonomous regions of Papua. It is also hoped that a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) can be issued specifically for development in the four New Autonomous Regions so that later even though there has been a change in leadership circulation after the 2024 Election, development in Cenderawasih Land can continue and not stop.

Meanwhile, the Directorate General (Ditjen) for Regional Development Development (Bangda) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has also held a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) related to the discussion of accelerating the development of infrastructure and facilities in as many as 4 (four) areas of the New Autonomous Region of Papua.

Regarding this discussion, the Director General of Bangda, Restuardy Daud said that previously the Minister of Home Affairs himself had also sent a letter directly to the Minister of Finance (Menkeu RI), which contained the requirement for an agreement between the parties so that the implementation of infrastructure development in Cenderawasih Land could be much more detailed, especially regarding source of financing.

After sending the letter to the Minister of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs verified the overall portion of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), and at the same time re-checked other supporting facilities and infrastructure (sarpras) such as data communication networks or Jarkomdat and electricity.

Evidence of how optimal the Government is in continuing to accelerate infrastructure development in the Papua New Guinea is also evident from how the funding is designed.

The Director of Road and Bridge Preservation Region II said that there is a total actual financing required of 9.9 trillion Rupiah, which uses a financing scheme for up to 2 (two) years of the APBN budget, where in 2023 it will be paid 3.5 trillion rupiah, and in 2024 a payment of 3 trillion rupiah will be made using the regional budget of 3.3 trillion rupiah.

It’s not just funding that has been designed in such a way, but the plan for the need for accelerated infrastructure development for the New Autonomous Region in Papua is also assisted by sharpening by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for budgets sourced from the APBN and also the Ministry of Home Affairs for budgets sourced from the regional budget.

As a follow-up effort in order to synchronize the acceleration of infrastructure development in the four new autonomous regions in Papua, data is really needed, which is able to continue to support, both from the APBD in this development, including sharpening several priorities and also detailed designs by units Ministry of PUPR organization.

So that later a coordination meeting will be held again, which is planned to be directly chaired by the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and discuss plans for infrastructure development in the 4 New Autonomous Regions in Cenderawasih Earth.

Various kinds of supporting facilities which in the future will obviously be very helpful and make it easier for the community and are able to optimize the existence of public services so that welfare improvements will continue to be pursued.

Then, with various kinds of efforts from the Indonesian Government, all residents of Bumi Cenderawasih provided full support for the formation of the Papua New Guinea Region, even as a form of their support, there were several residents who voluntarily gave up their land to be used as a public service office.

The progress of civilization in Papua has been greatly assisted by the expansion of the region through the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Cenderawasih Earth which was initiated by the Government during the leadership era of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi). In fact, with all its resources and efforts, the Government, in collaboration with many parties, continues to try to optimize the acceleration of development in Indonesia’s easternmost province.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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