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Appreciate the Government’s Consistency in Supporting the 2024 Election on Time


The whole community deserves to give a very high appreciation for how consistent the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is by continuing to support so that the 2024 Election can run on time.

The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) has authorized the Presidential Election ( Pilpres ) and Legislative Elections ( Pileg ) to be held on 14 February 2024. The agreement has been mutually adopted by the Government of Indonesia and the general election organizers (Pemilu) in a Hearing Meeting in the House of Representatives Commission II Building.

Then , the Chairperson of the Bawaslu , Abhan added that in principle, his party was ready to carry out supervision of the Election with a scheme namely the implementation of vote-counting elections on 14 February 2024 and elections on 27 November 2024. Then on 15 May and vote-counting elections on 27 November 2024 4 together with other mutually agreed schemes . In fact, his party has also prepared a simulation calendar for monitoring, handling violations and resolving election process disputes.

Regarding this matter, the Chairperson of Commission II of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia also stated that the decision was taken after stakeholders held several meetings which were held since 2021. All parties have also put aside their respective sectoral egos and have agreed to prioritize the interests of the nation and state.

He added that no matter how difficult the situation is, if all parties can overcome it together, then as long as everyone can be solid to move on , then any obstacle will definitely be easier to face.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU RI), Hasyim Asy’ari expressed his appreciation for the support from the Government of Indonesia for the timely implementation of the 2024 elections. According to him, this support can be seen directly from President Jokowi’s presence at the KPU National Consolidation event in Ancol .

Hasyim stated in his remarks , that with President Jokowi ‘s direct presence , according to him it was a form of support from the Government of Indonesia for the KPU and also showed that indeed the holding of a democratic election party would be able to be held in a timely manner within the 5 (five ) annual regularity .

Not only that, but Hasyim also expressed his gratitude from the big KPU family, both from the central, provincial to district/city levels for President Jokowi’s presence at the consolidation event that was carried out. In fact, he stated that President Jokowi’s presence was the first time that a president had attended an event organized by the KPU.

On another occasion , the East Java PDI Perjuangan also highlighted several issues that have recently continued to blow regarding the discourse of postponing the election, especially after the Decision from the Central Jakarta District Court was officially issued and punished the KPU not to continue the remaining stages of the 2024 Election until 2 (two) ) next year.

When referring to the constitution itself, the East Java PDIP actually said that a democratic party , namely elections must be held every 5 ( five) years. Then, the Head of the East Java DPD PDIP Election Winning Body , Deni Wicaksono stated that all of his cadres continued to be consistent in politics.

Moreover, the Chairperson of the PDI Perjuangan , Megawari Soekarnoputri himself, has voiced that all must continue to obey the constitution. Megawati was even one of those people who very firmly directly rejected the decision from the Central Jakarta District Court .

On a different occasion, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has also emphasized that the Indonesian Government fully supports the KPU’s efforts to appeal the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court which decided to postpone the 2024 Election stages.

He also considered that the decision from the Central Jakarta District Court immediately caused extraordinary polemic in the community, but ensured that the Government of Indonesia remained committed to running the 2024 Election. In fact, he also added that the budget for the Election had been prepared and also hoped that the Election would run smoothly .

Holding a democratic party, namely the upcoming 2024 election is indeed a very important thing to be able to realize. Not only because this is in accordance with the constitution, but by guaranteeing the continuity of elections every 5 (five) years, it also shows that the climate of democracy in Indonesia is in a good and healthy state so that leadership circulation continues in the country.

The government’s full support and consistency in continuing to run the 2024 elections according to the original schedule and objectives must be given very high appreciation by all people in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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