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KST Must Be Arrested For Serious Human Rights Violations


The Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) continues to be hunted by the Cartenz Peace Task Force for continuing to riot in Papua. Their members are also included in the DPO, due to several cases, such as burning schools, residential areas and community killings. The cases are also getting worse, so that it is included in the violation of Human Rights (HAM).

KST’s brutal actions continue to cause casualties, both from civilians and security forces. Most recently, KST attacked security forces who were on guard on Monday (3/4) which resulted in the death of one TNI personnel on behalf of Pratu Hamdan . The incident occurred in Yal District , Nduga Regency , Papua Mountains.

Previously, KST opened fire on the Preparatory Military Command in Gome District , Puncak Regency, Tuesday (28/3 ). Apart from that, KST was also proven to have set fire to the teacher’s house. Not only that, on Saturday (25/3), KST also shot officers who were guarding the Papuan people who were worshiping. In that incident there were 2 victims who were members of the joint TNI-Polri task force.

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fahiri stated that the 2 officers who died in the KST attack were Bripda Mesar Indey and Serda Misawar . Meanwhile, 1 victim was shot in the thigh and is still undergoing medical treatment, namely Brigadier General M Arif Hidayat. They were injured and some could not be saved after the exchange of fire.

When the joint officers were carrying out security for community tarawih worship activities, suddenly they immediately received shots. According to Kombes Benny, the shots aimed at the joint officers came from the front of one of the stalls at the scene.

KST should be arrested for gross human rights violations. First, they kill the security forces, even though the security forces are friends of the people. Second, they attacked Papuans who were praying. This indicates that they are violating human rights to worship in peace and comfort, according to their beliefs.

Meanwhile, the chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Papua, Toni Wanggai , admitted that he was very concerned about the KST shooting incident at the joint security forces. Not only concerned , but he also regretted that the attack occurred because it occurred in a house of worship.

Toni continued, a house of worship should be a place that can be far away and free from all forms of violence. If there is an act of violence, let alone a shooting and terror which causes the victim to die, of course this can disturb the peace of the people in worship. Even for whatever reason, it is absolutely not justified if there is violence but it is carried out in a place of worship.

Toni added, the two soldiers who were victims died in a state of martyrdom because they were guarding Muslims who were praying and carrying out their duties to protect the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. He considered that what the KKB was doing was not related to religious issues, so Toni asked all parties to see this as a criminal incident.

Firmly, the NU Papua chairman explained that in fact KST Papua continues to target security forces and even attacks could be carried out anywhere, but the incident happened by chance at a place of worship, where people really need peace. KST attacks violate human rights (HAM) and violate international agreements regarding the right to worship.

Meanwhile, politician Muhammad Iqbal stated that KST had committed gross human rights violations. Whatever the reason, murder cannot be justified. KST can’t just kill members of the TNI, Polri, or other officers because they are representatives of the Indonesian government. If they want to be independent but instead kill the security forces indiscriminately .

Moreover, KST also killed civilians several times, such as when there was a murder case of a high school boy named Ali Mom. He was accused of spying for the security forces, because he frequently entered TNI premises. Even though he went there to ask questions, because he had aspirations to become a soldier. This reckless act must be dealt with, because lives must be repaid with lives .

KST also stumbled on gross human rights violations because it was caught shooting a worker named Abel Helenti , in Puncak Regency, Papua. Even though he had asked for forgiveness, he was still killed. Of course, this atrocity was included in the category of gross human rights violations, because the opponents did not carry weapons to defend themselves.

Apart from the construction workers, the teachers were also shot by KST members. Just like the previous case, they were killed because they were suspected of being police spies, but they weren’t. These human rights violations are serious, especially since those who were shot were teachers who became lamps to improve the intelligence of Papuan children. So it’s only natural that the indigenous people of Cendrawasih Earth themselves also have antipathy towards KST.

KST must be arrested immediately due to a case of gross human rights violations. They have the heart to kill security personnel who are on guard so that the people of Papua are safe while worshiping. They also prevented residents in Bumi Cendrawasih from praying, so that their human rights violations were categorized as serious .

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Makassar

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