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PYCH Papua Building Will Be Inaugurated by President Jokowi March 21, 2023


Jayapura – The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building, located in Jayapura Papua, has been completed. The plan is for the building to be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on March 21, 2023.

In this regard, the Head of the Papua Region Settlement Infrastructure Center, Directorate General of Cipta Karya, Ministry of PUPR, Corneles Sagrim stated that PYCH has been completed. The construction of this building began in October 2021 and has been accelerated from the planned completion in December 2022 to October 2022.

“The construction of the PYCH building has been completed, and we are building this building with very good quality. Pak Jokowi plans to inaugurate this building,” he said.

To note, the PYCH Building was initiated by young Papuans who are members of the Inspiring Young Papua (PMI). This group is directly under the guidance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). In this case, BIN is supporting the construction of a building that will become a center for self-development of young talents in the region known as the Earth of Cendrawasih.

The PYCH building is magnificently built, has complete facilities to support the interests, talents and creativity of young people in the Land of Papua. The PCYH building was built on an area of ​​1.5 hectares thanks to the initiation of the Head of BIN, General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan together with President Joko Widodo.

The youth and people of Papua enthusiastically welcomed this building because it has various facilities, including co-working spaces, spaces for learning technology, digital technology, concert halls, spaces for product innovations, dormitories, and sports facilities.

Later this building will be used and utilized by PMI in carrying out its work programs for the welfare of the people in Papua and West Papua. PMI will collaborate and become the driving force for the development of young Human Resources (HR) on the Cendrawasih Earth. With the involvement of the youth’s role, progress in Papua is expected to be achieved soon. [*]

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