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RI Vice President Emphasizes Quality Democracy Born from Conducive Elections


Jakarta — The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma’ruf Amin emphasized that in order to produce quality elections, the principles of honesty, security, and peace must be upheld.

According to him, when conduciveness in running all the stages of the 2024 Election process can be achieved, then the nation’s best leaders will be elected.

“Keep the 2024 elections running conducive so that the best national leaders are elected who will devote their time, energy and thoughts for the sake of the Indonesian people,” he explained.

In an effort to create a much better quality for the 2024 Election, the former Head of the BNPT RI, Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar at that time said that his staff also played an active role in creating a quality democratic climate in Indonesia.

Also included, the BNPT is very aggressive in preventing polarization in society because it will only result in horizontal conflict, especially with the amount of disinformation circulating on social media.

“We jointly carry out mitigation steps so that democratic life is of quality and apart from social polarization and identity politics that have the potential to divide the nation,” he explained.

Of course, the BNPT RI is very worried about the many hoax news narratives that could become the potential for hostility, hate narratives and can lead to intolerance, radicalism and terrorism.

According to Komjen Pol Boy Rafli, to be able to create a society that is strong and not easily incited by polarization, nationalism is indeed very important.

“In preventing intolerance, radicalism and terrorism, the BNPT is socializing 5 national vaccines and one of them is related to nationalism to strengthen unity and integrity,” he explained.

It is not only the people who continue to be encouraged and encouraged, but the Head of the BNPT RI also hopes that political parties are able to continue to socialize the spirit of unity and unity.

We hope that party representatives participating in this activity can also socialize the spirit of unity and oneness even though they have different choices to constituents as political education. Let’s protect the integrity of the nation and state of Indonesia,” he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian hopes that the public can fill the public sphere with national consensus narratives such as Pancasila, NKRI, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the 1945 Constitution.

The narratives that continue to strengthen unity and integrity are also so that they can continue to be echoed by state institutions.

“BNPT, BPIP, TNI and Polri as well as all parties to strengthen moderate narratives, the foundation of the state and the spirit of unity in diversity (unity in diversity), our narrative must be stronger than narratives that divide the nation,” he said.

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