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The Government Has Payed Attention to All Aspects in the Development of IKN


The Government of Indonesia has paid attention to all aspects of the development of the Archipelago IKN, starting from geographical, economic, social, cultural aspects to including environmental aspects and biodiversity there. All careful calculations and steps from the government are aimed at sustainable development and to ensure the effectiveness of development in Indonesia.

The Law on State Capitals (UU IKN) is the legal basis for the development of IKN in East Kalimantan (Kaltim). Regarding this matter, the Minister of National Development Planning or the Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa stated that the development of the National Archipelagic National Park carries the theme ‘World City for All’, which is believed to be the beginning of a new civilization for Indonesia.

Not only that, even the choice of the name “Archipelago” has made the Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia very representative of the concept of unity which accommodates all the wealth and diversity in the country.

The reason is, it cannot be denied that Indonesia itself has the reality of wealth that is truly very diverse. All the wealth and diversity in Indonesia has even become its own social capital to be able to continue to encourage the progress and welfare of the people. All for the sake of realizing an advanced, resilient and sustainable Indonesia.

It has been agreed that the Capital City of the Archipelago is in the form of a special regional government unit at the provincial level whose territory is the domicile of the National Capital. The designation of the IKN Authority as a regional government specifically for the Capital City of the Archipelago is given to respond to developments in the current digital era in facilitating the implementation of all matters for the development of IKN. Expert Staff of the Minister of National Development Planning for Institutional Relations, Dr. Diani Sadia Wati revealed, IKN’s governance will certainly not be out of the constitution.

He then added that governance in Nusantara IKN really needed agile, effective and efficient work. Even though the IKN is in the form of a special government, all of it must still be constitutional and also based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and be able to adopt the requirements to be able to realize the IKN.

There are three main objectives of IKN, namely a symbol of national identity, a sustainable city in the world, and as a driving force for the Indonesian economy in the future. Apart from being an effort to change the development paradigm to become Indonesia-centric, the development of the IKN is also at the same time realizing the Vision of Indonesia 2045. In each process, the development of the IKN will involve the people around East Kalimantan.

Minister Suharso previously said that local communities in East Kalimantan do have a very wide participation, even starting from how the development process started until they were able to work in it, everything was done very openly so that there were many jobs open for local people.

Deputy for Regional Development of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Rudy S. Prawiradinata added that the construction of the IKN would pay attention to environmental and socio-cultural aspects in East Kalimantan.

Of course, with the many objectives of the development of the National Institute of Sciences of the Archipelago, it is determined to be able to make the National Institutes capable of becoming a World City for All, which does not even just describe how the community of the National Institute of Sciences will be in the future, but is also capable of being a reflection that all things including environmental aspects continue to be considered and maintained during construction.

On another occasion, Assistant II to the Secretary of West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Province, Junaidi stated that with the transfer of the National Capital to outside Java Island, he hopes to continue to encourage acceleration of reducing inequality and being able to increase regional economic growth outside Java Island. .

The development strategy implemented by the Government of Indonesia in building the National Archipelagic National Park is a matter of responding to social, economic, environmental conditions and challenges to future development for the sustainability of this development.

Junaidi explained that indeed the development of the Archipelago IKN really needs to continue to pay attention to all aspects, starting from environmental aspects, both regarding land cover, then the protection of biodiversity in Kalimantan, and there is also risk control of the impacts of climate change that is happening.

The development of IKN will take into account the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and FOLU Net Sink 2030 plans. Then, West Kalimantan is one of the provinces that has committed to supporting the achievement of national emissions that have been set out in the NDC document. The existence of IKN is expected to strengthen the efforts that have been made by West Kalimantan Province so far in achieving this target.

With efforts to move the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, of course the government already has a very mature plan and steps in doing so. It is proven that all aspects have been taken into account and paid attention to, including environmental, economic, social, cultural and geographical conditions in Kalimantan. All of this is for the sake of supporting development that is far more effective and efficient.

)* The author is Daris Pustaka Contributor

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