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Papua Youth Creative Hub Center for Papuan Youth New Civilization


By: Rika Prasatya *)

The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building, which has been completed in Jayapura, Papua, certainly makes the local community proud, including traditional leaders and community leaders. The existence of the building is considered to be the center of a new civilization for the younger generation of Cenderawasih Earth.

Chairman of the Port Numbay Customary Consultative Body (LMA), Ondoafi George A. Awi expressed his gratitude to President Jokowi for his efforts to advance the Land of Papua, one of which is through the construction of the PYCH building in Jayapura, Papua. According to him, the building will accommodate all Papuan children, for them to be able to express their creations and talents.

In addition, the existence of PYCH will become a new civilization for young Papuans. Civilization that makes the Land of Papua more advanced and prosperous. George A. Awi invites all young Papuans to take advantage of PYCH to develop themselves because the building has supporting facilities. He also invited the public to support all work programs launched by the Inspiring Young Papua (PMI).

George A. Awi also expressed his gratitude to the Head of BIN Budi Gunawan for fostering young Papuans. PMI is an organization fostered by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to become the driving force for Papua’s progress.

This Papuan indigenous community leader admitted that he had toured all parts of the PYCH building, as well as witnessed the self-development activities of young Papuans. Likewise, seeing the preparations ahead of the inauguration of the PYCH building by President Jokowi.

Adopting the  green building concept , the PYCH Building in Abepura District, Jayapura City, Papua has complete facilities to support the interests, talents and creativity of young people in the land of Papua. In this building there are rooms for MSME products, training rooms, meeting rooms, multipurpose rooms, rooms that can be used for  co-working spaces , technology learning rooms to libraries. There is also a grandstand-shaped room with a capacity of more than 300 people. This room can be used for performances, religious and others.

Apart from that, in the PYCH building there are also two dormitory buildings, each consisting of 23 rooms with complete bed facilities, wardrobes, private bathrooms and others. Not to forget the internet speed of 100 Mpbs. 

The architectural design of the roof of the main PYCH building was inspired by the traditional houses of the people of Jayapura and Wamena City, namely the Honai roof and Kariwari roof, which makes the building thick with local culture.

Previously, President Jokowi said that the construction of PYCH was a follow-up to President Jokowi’s meeting with Papuan youths at the State Palace in September 2019. Furthermore, the central government supports the development of creativity centers to provide more space for Papuan and West Papuan youth/girls in the development of technology, innovation and local Papuan products.

According to President Jokowi, there are indeed a lot of excellent talent with excellent talent in Papua and West Papua, even in various fields such as science, arts and culture to many kinds of sports. Then it remains only to be the task of the Government of Indonesia and all other elements of the nation to be able to continue to prepare how to manage these talents including arranging them, which is the role of PYCH later.

The President hopes that PYCH can become a driving force, a center for developing young talents in the Land of Papua as well as a center for the creativity of young Papuans in strengthening a good ecosystem of innovation and technology.

To be able to advance young Papuan human resources, the Government together with BIN have built the PYCH Building, which before its inauguration by President Jokowi received a lot of support, enthusiasm and enormous appreciation from various parties. Of course, the existence of this infrastructure will also be able to improve the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

In the same vein, the Secretary of the Port Numbay LMA, Eddy Ohoiwutun said that the role of the local government in Tanah Papua is also needed so that young people can take advantage of the PYCH building. Eddy also did not forget to thank the Head of BIN Budi Gunawan for his support for young Papuans.

Eddy hopes that PYCH can become a place to build a new civilization for young people in the Land of Papua, to prepare the future for the younger generation, like the hopes of their parents, Ondoafi, and the hopes of the country.

*) The author is a Contributor to the Indonesian Institute for Strategic Information Studies

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