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2023 AIS Forum Summit, UKI Professor Prof Angel Damayanti: Indonesia Will Become the World Maritime Axis


Jakarta – Professor of FISIPOL, Christian University (UKI) Jakarta, Professor Angel Damayanti, Ph.D, said that Indonesia will be known as the world’s maritime axis at the 2023 AIS Forum Summit. Indonesia will become a reference for island countries and islands in the world because Indonesia is able to demonstrate its ability to manage its seas, managing its maritime economy, managing its marine environment, building its maritime culture, building its maritime defense.

Indonesia will become the world’s maritime axis, which means that Indonesia must be seen, must be seen by countries so that it can become a branch marking or become a reference that archipelagic countries or island countries must have capability indicators that can be used as examples by other countries, for example in particular Indonesia is capable in managing its seas, managing its marine economy, managing its marine environment, building its maritime culture, building its maritime defense. “This is very strategic because Indonesia is able to show itself as a maritime axis,” said Professor of FISIPOL, Christian University (UKI) Jakarta, Professor Angel Damayanti, Ph.D when giving his response at the Pancasila TV National Dialogue Saturday 7/10/2023 in Jakarta.

According to him, Indonesia has a very strategic role in the 2023 AIS Forum Summit because Indonesia is seen by other countries, especially archipelagic island countries.

On the other hand, as host, Indonesia has the right to determine the theme and agenda that will be discussed at the conference. Indonesia has the privilege to promote what is considered important, such as advancing the blue economy, ensuring Indonesia’s maritime security from the threat of damage to the marine environment, he concluded.

He added that as the host, Indonesia also had more freedom to determine how to agree on an agenda and agree on a joint declaration.

The most important thing, especially for the AIS Forum participating countries, is to equalize perceptions about how to maintain the safety and cleanliness of the marine environment, because our seas are related to the livelihoods of many people, such as livelihoods for coastal communities, being trade routes and shipping lanes, especially now that we are dependent on exports. and imports are very high so that healthy, sustainable seas can be realized, he said.

The same perception about what is considered a threat, whether from certain countries or from pirates, facing fish thieves, facing natural disasters that may arise from the sea, or global warming which causes sea levels to rise. Perceptions about the threat need to be discussed so that each country has the same perception and finds out how to find a way to resolve it, he said.

If there is a declaration or cooperation resulting from the previous AIS Forum Summit, it can really be realized because these threats continue to increase. “If it is not resolved immediately, the most significant impact will be on coastal communities and island and archipelagic countries themselves,” he said.

Realization of increasing human resource capacity both from the country itself and state officials in managing the sea well. “The improvement of the community must also be considered in maritime development and the use of the blue economy,” said Purek 3 UKI Jakarta.

“Lastly, there must be a joint commitment that every country really wants to do this not only for its national interests but for the common interest, the interests of almost all of humanity which currently relies heavily on the sea or depends on the potential of the sea,” concluded the UKI Professor of Social and Political Sciences. .

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