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Simplification of Regulation Takes Many Positive Implications


By: Rahmat Siregar) *

One of Jokowi – Ma’ruf’s priority programs is the simplification of regulations. The program is considered to have many positive implications because it is able to cut regulations and facilitate investment.
Development in the economic sector seems to be considered quite crucial. Because, through this economy, citizens are able to run a better life. However, what if a country’s economic system experiences a slowdown? This will certainly affect a number of sectors, including the weakening of a country’s per capita income. So through Jokowi’s priority program that will circumcise this regulation is supported by the community. Not only claimed to be able to improve the economy, but also able to boost other sectors.
This was reflected when President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia must move quickly in tackling the economic recession as the global economy slows. He said he would conduct a number of circumcisions that inhibit regulations, in order to create an ecosystem of the business world that will help investment. For information, Jokowi has stated that the government will maximize improvements, especially in terms of licensing and investment in Indonesia. According to him, the implementation of comprehensive reforms to the licensing and investment ecosystem will be the main key for Indonesia in overcoming the downward trend of the global economy.
Meanwhile, the Governor of South Sumatra (South Sumatra), H. Herman Deru, welcomed the idea of ​​President Joko Widodo who would implement the Omnibus Law or streamline regulations and simplify regulations with implications for more precise work targets. He said that the Omnibus Law was an attempt to circumcise regulations which had been known to be long and complicated.
After listening to the presentation of Omnibus Law, which was initiated by the president and elaborated according to the Indonesian Minister of Politics and Security, Machfud MD. Herman Deru asserted that he could pick a message from the president that specifically hoped for regional heads not to issue a Governor Regulation (Pergub), Regent Regulation (Perbup), Mayor Regulation (Perwali), and Regional Regulation (Perda).
Despite agreeing to Omnibus Law’s plan, it does not mean that it will stop the Governor’s Regulation or other regulations. However, there must be harmony and continuity with the regulations or laws that are above it. So it doesn’t seem to overlap.
Regarding the direction of President Jokowi who asked regional heads to establish a harmonious partnership with Forkopimda, Herman Deru stated firmly, from the beginning he served as Governor of South Sumatra in October 2018 and carried it out through Forkopimda elements in his region. This includes 17 regencies or cities in South Sumatra, where the regents and mayors have synergized with their respective Forkopimda to develop the region.
President Joko Widodo added that it must continue to deregulate the simplification and consistency of regulations. Both carry out the bureaucratization of simplifying work, as well as simplifying the process that leads to service. He considered that we must prevent corruption without intervening in the courage to innovate. In addition, the use of this technology will also ease all difficulties.
According to him, the legislative reform must be carried out on a large scale. In fact, Jokowi invited all governments, DPD, DPR and MPR including the Regional Government and DPRD to take new steps. Because, we must not be trapped in tough regulations, complicated or complicated formality. Nor do they seem to make small talk and instead make the situation more murky and have an impact on the community and businesses.
Similar support also came from Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto. Which mentions the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) is summarizing as many as 18 regulations in order to increase competitiveness. This is in line with the government’s plan so that a number of ministries immediately wipe out licensing regulations that can slow down investment activities. It also stated that it was finalizing the elimination of 18 regulations and also simplifying 6 regulations.
He hopes that with the ease of regulation, Indonesia in the future will further develop. Including to continue to adjust to the needs of technology in the future. Because, Indonesia has a transformation economy based on commodities. Looking ahead, the commodity base is expected to transform into an innovation base. This is similar to McKinsey’s projection that in the next 10 years, Indonesia will be included in the list of the 10 biggest economies in the world, in 2030.
The positive impact of the simplification of this regulation is expected to be able to make the economic situation of the archipelago better. Not only from the government, but all lines of society will also enjoy the results of their welfare.

) * The author is a social political observer

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