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Papuan and West Papuan People Refuse OPM Anniversary


The Independence Day celebration of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), which was claimed on December 1, did not receive a response from the people of Papua and West Papua. OPM is still considered a treason group that often afflicts the community and impedes development.

The people of Papua and West Papua reject the celebration of the OPM Anniversary. In fact, they give a reprimand to any group that will hold an action to commemorate the OPM Anniversary on December 1, 2019. The reason is that the people of Papua and West Papua do not want to be victims of provocation and do not want to take actions that enter the realm of treason.

Certainly it is a sad thing when there are fellow countrymen and our homeland cheated by unscrupulous elements who touting the issue to continue to voice a referendum for Papua.

In fact, Papua has become an official and inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia and recognized by international law. The Soul of Papua is red and white, everything that opposes the sovereignty of red and white must be resisted. If Papua becomes independent, it is not impossible that Papua will suffer a setback in the 2nd Century backwards.

Previously, the Red and White Barisan had also shown a resistance to the planned anniversary of the Free Papua Movement (OPM). He believes that OPM’s anniversary commemoration activities are contrary to regulations and can add to the unrest of the people of Papua.

Meanwhile, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw said there was a security threat ahead of the Independence Day of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) on 1 December 2019 which they had been commemorating since 1962.

To anticipate this, the Papua Regional Police has prepared a number of steps to prevent security and public order (kamtibmas), one of which is by making approaches to build communication with the public and create conditions.

To that end, the Papua Regional Police has made various agendas of activities, sporting events, arts and lecture directions.

The activity is expected to prevent the Papuan people from various provocations to enliven the OPM Anniversary conducted at OPM headquarters both in the forest and in cities.

In fact, if we examine the question of separatist organizations, they really are not actually fighting on behalf of Papua. They are a handful of people who claim to be Papua but are actually being used by other people or could be foreigners or foreign interests.

OPM’s birthday really does not need to get support from anyone if the separatist group still wants to hurt fellow children with the desire to be separated from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Their betrayal has undermined the peace of the land of Papua. Whether they are moving on their own or have been exploited by foreign parties, it is clear OPM has done a lot of underground propaganda through online media to gain international sympathy by exploiting the ‘Human Rights’ problem in Papua.

Therefore, OPM’s own birthday must be watched out. Do not let the traitors of the Republic of Indonesia continue to threaten peace in Papua. All parties must be able to act and act for a peaceful and progressive Papua.

We certainly must understand, that the United Nations (UN) has rejected the Papua referendum plan, and decided that Papua is part of Indonesia which cannot be contested.

The decision was made by the Indonesian Ambassador / Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) Dian Triansyah Djani in Geneva, Hasan Kleib.

On 10 September 2019, in New York, Indonesia’s permanent representative to the United Nations in New York, Dian Triansyah Djani met with the UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres to discuss developments in the current situation in Papua, and the status of Papuan sovereignty from a UN perspective.

The UN also looked at the outcome of the Government’s development in the era of President Jokowi in the Papua and West Papua regions.

With this acknowledgment from the United Nations, it certainly becomes a strong foundation that Papua will remain an inseparable part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. So that the celebration of the OPM Anniversary is certainly a celebration that is not in line with the constitution and international decisions.

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