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KST Papua is a Traitor of the People


By: Rebeca Marian)*

Separatist and terrorist groups (KST) are traitors to the people because they invite and force civilians to join the Federal Republic of West Papua. They also believe that Papua should be independent from the Indonesian colony. So it is categorized as a traitor, because it is proven not to be loyal to the country.

In Papua, the security factor is still being disturbed by KST. They aggressively tortured Papuan civilians, ranging from showing off their firearms to shootings that led to murder. Even KST was determined to attack the officers first, even though it was clear that they had lost in experience and weapons.

KST deserves to be categorized as a traitor because the evidence is that he is not loyal to the state. They do not recognize the Indonesian government and are even hostile to members of the TNI and Polri. Even when there are uniformed employees like ASN, they are also targeted, because they are considered as representatives of the government.

As part of the OPM, KST is actually tasked with protecting the Papuan territory, but unfortunately because they believe that Papua was colonized by Indonesia, they attack the apparatus. There have been too many victims from the TNI and Polri who died because they were killed by the KKB, they even used the services of snipers to fulfill their ambitions.

Therefore, KST must be eradicated to the root because traitors will continue to try to rebel by all means, including violence. So it will be very dangerous for the position of civilians on the Earth of Cendrawasih. They are under fear and cannot move freely, if there is a threat from KST.

If traitors are not burned to the ground, then another danger lurks is the sovereignty of the country being torn apart. Because they might unilaterally claim Papuan independence and inaugurate the Federal Republic of West Papua. The danger is that KST slyly solicits overseas support and plating victims.

KST acted as if they were the ones who were injured by the authorities, even though they themselves were causing riots in Papua. Then hoaxes and provocative content are made, the contents of which are contrary to the facts. However, netizens from abroad did not check and concluded that it was KST who was injured. It could be because the news is correct in Indonesian while they do not understand.

If this is allowed to happen, it will be very dangerous because the good name of Indonesia is at stake. Therefore, the fight with KST is not only done in the real world but also in cyberspace. The police cyber team can monitor which hoax news or provocative content is launched by KST and then ask Google to remove it, because it has been proven to be fake.

The eradication of KST was intensified by sending the Nemangkawi Task Force to go directly to Puncak Regency. It is indeed a conflict-prone area and there have been frequent KST attacks, both against civilians and the police. During the raid, 1 KST headquarters was found and they immediately ran away.

Meanwhile, other KST headquarters are still being investigated because reportedly there are several headquarters scattered in the interior of Papua. They deliberately set up a base that was hidden from the pursuit of the authorities, because they had already mastered the terrain and had good camouflage. However, the authorities did not give up and continued to pursue them until the terrorist organization was disbanded.

KST’s behavior has crossed the line, when they killed many civilians and dared to attack the authorities first, even sending snipers to carry out their actions. Therefore, KST must be eradicated so that it does not run rampant and frighten Papuan civilians. If they are disbanded, then the situation on Earth of Cendrawasih will be more peaceful.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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