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The BPIP Bill Grounds Pancasila in Society


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

The government is pushing for the realization of the BPIP Bill. The public also appreciated the proposal as an effort to ground Pancasila in Indonesia, especially for the younger generation.
A number of figures from Bali have agreed that the Draft Law (RUU) on the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) is important as a legal basis to further ground the values ​​of Pancasila.

Udayana University Law Faculty academic Dr. Dewa Gede Palguna said it was impossible to separate Pancasila as the basis of the state and state ideology. It is impossible to talk about the idea of ​​nationality if you don’t talk about Pancasila. Because it is important, the legal basis after the 1945 Constitution must exist, namely in the form of law.

The former Justice of the Constitutional Court considered that with such an important function, it would be insufficient if BPIP was only regulated by a Presidential Decree.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Sukadi, MED as the General Chairperson of the Bali Province Pancasila Grounding Movement also believes that BPIP has a very important role so that there are no mixed interpretations of Pancasila.

He said that there are still many children of the nation who do not have the same views regarding Pancasila, and there are even those who do not agree with Pancasila as the state ideology.

So that with the same interpretation of Pancasila, it is hoped that there will be no doubt that the true Pancasila is what is contained in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

Sukadi also stated that it was not enough for BPIP to be regulated in a Presidential Regulation (Perpres), but with a higher legal basis, namely in the form of a law.

On a different occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD said that Pancasila will still contain the five precepts in the BPIP Bill.

Pancasila in the BPIP Bill was returned as a speech by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir Soekarno on August 18, 1945.

Mahfud also emphasized that one of the important points stipulated in the Surpres of the BPIP Bill, namely the BPIP Bill, must refer to MPRS Decree Number 25 of 1966.

Mahfud said that the DPR and the Government agreed to open the widest public access to the BPIP Bill. This was done so that the public could participate in discussing and providing criticism of the BPIP Bill.

Previously, the Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo had said that President Joko Widodo hoped that BPIP could be strengthened in a law, so that it was not just a presidential regulation.

Bamsoet said, the birth of BPIP through Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2018 is inseparable from President Jokowi’s “political goodwill” so that every child of the nation can understand and implement the noble values ​​of Pancasila in every aspect of social, national and state life.

According to him, President Jokowi wants to strengthen BPIP through laws so that whoever the president is, BPIP will still exist and belong to the Indonesian people, and will not disappear only because of the interests of deviant politics.

He said, the pros and cons in the community regarding the HIP Bill basically showed their concern for Pancasila, but most importantly, there should be no social division due to fighting carried out by a handful of parties who took advantage of the situation for immediate interests.

Former Head of BPIP Yudi Latief said Pancasila cannot be directed to multiple interpretations. If that is done, the potential for misperception will appear.

He explained that Pancasila has actually been maintained and implemented completely by the community itself. This means that the values ​​contained in Pancasila have never faded and damaged the state.

On different occasions, the Regional Executive Board (PD) XIII of the Young Generation of the Communication Forum for Putra Putri Purnawirawan and Putra Putri TNI-Polri (GM FKPPI) East Java stated that they are ready to oversee the discussion of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency Bill (RUU BPIP). President Joko Widodo’s letter regarding the BPIP Bill has been submitted to the Indonesian Parliament, which indicates that it will continue to be discussed.

R. Agoes Soerjanto as Chairman of PD XIII GM FKPPI East Java hopes that the BPIP Bill, which has now been officially discussed in the DPR RI, is no longer a problem with certain parties. Moreover, to trigger pros and cons. Because, according to him, the BPIP Bill was substantially different from the HIP Bill.

If the BPIP Bill is passed into law, there will be a firm legal reference or legality of BPIP. Where at this time Indonesia already has BPIP which was formed based on Presidential Decree No.7 of 2018.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Institute for Strategic Information Studies

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