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Games Pokemon Go: Menkominfo has met and discussed with Google

Pokemon Go is a hits and trend game today, and then makes many party be agree and disagree to the game.
Pokemon Go is a hits and trend game today, and then makes many party be agree and disagree to the game.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Pokemon Go is a hits and trend game today. Reported, the game has downloaded up to 50 million for Android. There are 21 million active users every day, and then Pokemon go has become the largest game in history of United State. Nintendo make “game augmented reality” on basis “GPS” and cooperation with subsidiary company of Google, Niantic in the development.

Games of Pokemon go has been spread to many countries. Even in Indonesia, there is a lot of gamer play this game in their android, even the game has not launched officially.

Many parties agree and disagree to the game. The game has two perspectives, positive and negative for the user. Such news in some internet and media, in positive perspective many users feel for sport and make the body fit when catching the Pokemon, then the drink seller also take benefit of it, because increasing in selling.

In contrast, negative perspective of the game takes big concern for the user. Some user got in accident in the road. Moreover, playing Pokemon Go enters in vital and strategic object of the nation make dangerous of the stability and security of the Nation.

In face of it, The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Rudiantara has met and discussed with Google. The point of the meeting is to make sure that Games of Pokemon Go do not enter in vital and strategic object of the nation, then it will make dangerous of the stability and security of the Nation

“We have two times met with Google, discussed about Pokemon go,” said him.

In the meeting, The minister request to Google, the maps of “Google Maps” which use in Pokemon Go do not enter the vital object of the nation, such as Istana Negara, police station, electric corporation, and others else. The party assumed to make sure the vital and strategic object is on secure before the developer launched the game officially in Indonesia.

He assumed, Pokemon Go is similar with other games. Some accidents of user pokemon go games are caused by careless, illegitimacy, and break the rule. He gave example on rule of do not use phone when driving, then looking for pokemon and user do not pay attention to the road.

He added, Pokemon Go may use for something productive by making certain place to hunt and catch the Pokemon, such as museum or tourism destination.

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