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Tolerance Key to Religious Harmony in NTT

Keep your unity in religion diversity in Indonesia
Keep your unity in religion diversity in Indonesia

By: Iboy Sandi )*

Jakarta – CIDISS. Indonesia as a multicultural country that has a good diversity in terms of language, ethnicity, race or ethnicity and religion in particular is prone to conflict. In Indonesia there are six religions recognized by the government that Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian. The accusation that religious and other differences contribute to triggering conflict even as a source of conflict between religious communities is hard to disagree. There is still a lack of mutual understanding and the knowledge of religion will own religion and the religion of others as well as the blurring of the boundary between the attitude hold firm religious beliefs and tolerance in society was the cause of the emergence of tensions that eventually sparked the conflict in Indonesia.

But not for the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), as a province that receives an award Harmonious Living Inter-Religious Award given by President Joko Widodo in 2015, religious harmony in NTT are well maintained, which is evidenced by the absence of conflict caused religious differences in the religious diversity of the area is quite high. According to NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya these conditions due to the support of community and religious leaders and stakeholders in NTT that upholds the values of fraternity and tolerance.

In fact, the concrete manifestation of efforts to bring a sense of tolerance and religious harmony in NTT, NTT government and related elements will build the “Village of Tolerance”. This was stated by the initiators of the village of Tolerance, Anselmus Jogo (26/7) at the Rural Forum in the Naebonat Field, Kupang District with the theme “Village of Tolerance Religious Harmony”. That Village of Tolerance development plans in the area Naebonat Kupang district, has received support from local government and other relevant parties. In the Village of Tolerance” will be built place of worship is integrated with building churches, mosques and temples as a place of worship according their respective religions.

Efforts to achieve a high tolerance between religious communities in NTT exemplary by other regions in Indonesia, of course, with attention to a wide range of regional characteristics and local wisdom of the area, so as to achieve inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.

Thus, religious tolerance is expected to be a solution to the conflict between religious communities, even this tolerance itself is an instrument to prevent conflict. Mutual respect and appreciations is very necessary to avoid misunderstandings. Required mutual understanding between each other in order to create good communication. Because, basically, that religion teaches compassion and it promotes solidarity and a strong social cohesiveness.

)* The Author is CIDISS Contributor

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