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Penitentiary of Palangka Raya Harvest onion


anjangsana (4)By: Fuad *)

Enter to penitentiary (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan/Lapas) class IIA Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah was different. A number of field union outspread. Even, High concrete-wall was blocking them to outside world. But, prisoners were not doing anything here. They did agriculture. They planted union.

Recently, ten people did harvest of union. Here, they were constructed to develop and agriculture about union in the penitentiary field successful.

Head of Indonesian Bank (BI) Palangka Raya, Muhammad Nur, like publish on Tribun Kalteng, Wednesday (14/1/2014), said the program of planting union started on October 2014 ago. It cooperated between Minister of Law and Human Right (Kemenkumham) and BI of Palangka Raya.

Then, the first harvest was hold by 10 persons of penitentiary.

“We hope by the cooperation, it can empower the prisoner on the penitentiary and after they have done out of lapas,” said him.

*) The author is Kalimantan Regional Contributors

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