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Appreciate the Government’s Firmness Against KST Papua


The government is acting decisively in dealing with KST (Separatist and Terrorist Groups). Apart from increasing the number of personnel, the operational status of the KST eradication operation has also been changed to combat alert. Everything was done so that the KST would lose and no longer attack Papuan civilians or the security forces on duty to protect the people of Cendrawasih Earth.

KST is a group that is an accomplice of the Free Papua Organization (OPM). They served in the field to complete defection missions and form the Federal Republic of West Papua. The public hates the KST because it often commits acts of violence and harms civilians. They also support eradicating KST so that Papua remains safe without any threats from the separatist group.

KST was strictly followed up by the authorities and this was even appreciated by the community. The reason is, they have injured too many times, both civilians and members of the TNI who are on guard. If there is a firm measure measured, it is permissible. Firmness towards KST was carried out as a deterrent effect , so that they would no longer injure the people of Papua.

TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said that the operational status in Nduga, Papua Mountains, was upgraded to combat alert due to the KST attack. The Commander emphasized that the increase in operational status was needed at this time. From the start, law enforcement operations have been planned, namely by means of a soft approach. However, with conditions like this, especially in certain areas, the operation has been changed to a combat alert operation.

Admiral Yudo continued, the increase in operational status was to increase the soldiers’ fighting instincts. However, humanist operations are still being carried out for all Papuan people. This was done so that the TNI and the community together maintain security.

A special operation in the context of eradicating KST was carried out after an attack that left 4 soldiers dead and others injured. The personnel who died were Pratu Miftahul Arifin, Pratu Ibrahim, Pratu Kurniawan, and Prada Sukra,

To protect citizens from KST attacks, the rebel group must be dealt with firmly. The reason is, they have committed serious cases, such as theft and mass murder. If a KST member is caught, it is mandatory to be tried and receive the most severe punishment as a deterrent effect.

The Papuan people themselves agree that there is a special operation to eradicate KST. The reason is, they have repeatedly carried out attacks and caused injuries and casualties. There should be no further victims from civilians, so KST must be eradicated by means of a massive eradication operation.

Meanwhile, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that he strongly criticized the actions taken by KST. The Vice President also asked the apparatus to be brave and take firm action against KST, as well as maintain security throughout Papua.

The Vice President continued, officials are expected to carry out sweeps and pursuits in the context of eradicating KST. However, the operation must be precise and not disturb Papuan civilians.

The apparatus is ready to accept orders and directions from the vice president and they are ready to guard the Papuan people on alert. KST also continues to be chased to remote areas so that their bases are found and they can be arrested one by one.

The KST atrocities were really regretted by the people because they attacked the security forces . After all, the police are friends of the people. Moreover, the victims were civilians who followed the police entourage. The victims were Papuans but were brutally shot by KST.

Therefore, when there is an operation to arrest KST members, the community supports the apparatus. They don’t mind it, because even though KST is both Papuan, his behavior has harmed civilians in Cendrawasih Land.  KST is a group of people who act brutally and often commit murders, therefore they must be caught quickly.

The apparatus must take measurable and planned steps to eradicate KST. The reason is because they are trying to divide the unity in Indonesia. When there is a KST attack, the victims are migrants , thus triggering conflict between indigenous Papuans (OAP) and migrants. This is very dangerous because it can cause riots based on SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, intergroup).

Firm action against KST needs to be taken, in addition to giving the most severe punishment. The TNI and Polri as security forces are also allowed to act decisively against KST if there are conflicts in vulnerable areas. In fact, they were also allowed to take measured decisive action when dealing directly with KST members.

Measurable decisive action was taken because when dealing with KST members, they couldn’t be caught with their bare hands. The reason is because they use firearms and must be fought with firearms as well. If not, then the life of the apparatus will actually be in danger, so that measured decisive action may be taken without violating procedures.

The community appreciates the government and officials who are taking firm, measurable actions within the framework of the KST eradication mission. The reason is because the KST has too often damaged the peace in Papua and is too reckless to attack the security forces. Their behavior that is out of bounds must indeed be rewarded with measured decisive action.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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