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Appreciation of the Acceleration of Central Papua Government Development


The construction of the Central Papua Province government center with a grand smart city pattern continues to be accelerated, with a design in the shape of a bird of paradise and a complete Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL).

The grand smart city itself is an innovative effort to make the ecosystem in Central Papua able to overcome various problems and further improve the quality of life of the local indigenous Papuan (OAP) community.

Therefore, because it is based on the interest of improving the welfare of all OAP people, of course development with a grand smart city pattern in Bumi Cenderawasih is an excellent breakthrough.

Very high appreciation should accompany the steps to build a government center in Central Papua with the grand smart city pattern. Because with more and more regions implementing this pattern, it is a good start to realizing this nation’s dream of becoming a digital nation.

So that in order to realize the nation’s dream of becoming a digital nation, it is of course very important for all these efforts to involve collaboration from all stakeholders or related stakeholders, both from the Central Government, the local Regional Government (Pemda) and industry players.

The Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Dirjen Aptika Kemenkominfo), Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, considers that development with a grand smart city pattern is one of the efforts as well as an opportunity to mobilize the abilities of the nation’s children to increasingly show their active participation in overcoming problems in Papua.

At least, in efforts to build a smart city there must be six supporting pillars, namely smart governance, smart society, smart living, smart economy, smart environment and also smart branding.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, Bambang Dwi Anggono, said that it is very important to have a triple helix, namely the government, business world and academics must develop a concept and combine processes together to support the realization of Papua’s development.

In this case, the government plays a role in providing legal certainty, then not imposing burdensome taxes so that investors are able to enter or invest their capital optimally.

Meanwhile, from an academic perspective, they can produce various useful research, then encourage increased community capacity in Papua. Furthermore, for the business world, they are able to encourage collaboration between the business world and the community and also encourage cooperation to empower local MSMEs.

In this way, of course various kinds of roles and activities will emerge that can produce a smart economy atmosphere as one of the pillars of a grand smart city in Papua so that the Earth of Cenderawasih will progress extraordinaryly.

The role of regional heads is also very vital in building a good atmosphere for the growth of the grand smart city in Papua. Because it is clear that regional development really depends on the role of regional heads, because the mandate of all the people rests on them to improve welfare and make it easier to overcome existing problems.

Acting (Pj) Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk, said that the process and stages of building the Central Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) office center are almost the same or similar to the development process in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) which is located in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim).

The similarity of the development process lies in purchasing land, providing certificates and other stage processes. For your information, more than 200 certificates have been completed and everything is running very smoothly.

Not half-hearted, the Central Papua Provincial Government is even the only new autonomous region (DOB) to receive an electronic certificate by the Vice President of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH. Ma’ruf Amin, where all the certificates are currently in the land processing stage.

During the entire development process, many parties continued to provide assistance, starting from the Land Finas, Prosecutor’s Office, Police, traditional leaders, community leaders and also all technical parties in the process of accelerating the development of the central government of Central Papua Province. Everything has been processed well and smoothly.

The spirit of development in the Land of Papua also continues to be intensive in all stages of the central development process of the Central Papua Province Government. Everything is very ready, starting from the development pattern that implements a grand smart city with a bird of paradise design to the AMDAL.

On the other hand, there are 12 roadmaps from the Central Government to run the government in the Papua New Zealand, all of which are mandated by Law Number 15 of 2022 concerning the formation of the New Zealand. The entire roadmap continues to be a guide in running government and accelerating development in Bumi Cenderawasih. Don’t forget, with the various beautiful natural resources in the Land of Papua, it is hoped that investors can come and oversee development together with a grand smart city pattern.

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