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Papua’s Special Autonomy Implementation Experiences Increase


By: Abener Wanggai )*

The implementation of Papua’s special autonomy (Otsus) has increased. With the increased implementation of Otsus, the welfare of the Papuan people can be realized immediately.

Special Autonomy (Otsus) is a special program for the people of Papua because there are funds to build the Earth of Cendrawasih, so that its people are more advanced and there are no inequalities with other regions. With the Special Autonomy funds, it is hoped that more people will prosper. Otsus is also implemented in various fields so that more progress will be made in Papua.

The Special Autonomy Fund given in 2021 is 7.6 trillion. The budget is much larger than in previous years. This amount of funds is reasonable because some of it is also channeled to help organize the XX Papua PON, also because the need for development on the Earth of Cendrawasih is getting bigger.

The implementation of Otsus has also increased. This is in line with the increase in Special Autonomy funds from the previous 2% to 2.5% of the national general allocation fund. If the implementation increases, we are optimistic that the absorption of Otsus funds will occur 100% and there will be no fraud during its implementation.

Evidence from the increased implementation of Otsus is the improvement in the welfare of the people in Papua and West Papua. This was stated by the Chairman of the Special Committee, Komarudin Watubun. Over a period of 20 years (during Otsus volume 1), the economy of Papuan civilians has been very visible, all thanks to Otsus funds.

Komarudin added that Otsus volume 2 is still needed so that its implementation will make the people of Papua more prosperous. The Special Autonomy Fund that has been disbursed is larger this year, which is natural because of the difficult geographical conditions on Earth of Cendrawasih, so that more money is needed for development. In addition, the price of materials such as cement is also more expensive than in Java because the transportation costs are higher.

Increased implementation is indeed needed so that the Otsus funds are truly absorbed in the community. When the Otsus budget is given to the people, in the form of infrastructure or other assistance, we are optimistic that the lives of civilians in Papua will be even better. People on Earth of Cendrawasih can be more prosperous because there is equitable development.

The implementation of Otsus funds has increased because the budget is not only made for infrastructure such as building the Youtefa Bridge or the Trans Papua Road, but is also channeled to other fields. These include education (scholarships for elementary-high school students and university students), health (malaria eradication and medication administration), etc.

However, increased implementation must also be in line with supervision, assistance, and sanctions. This was stated by Cahyo Pamungkas, a researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). According to him, supervision of Otsus funds needs to be carried out so that its implementation is 100% successful.

The Special Autonomy Fund does need to be monitored because the amount is very large and should not be squandered by rogue elements. Supervision is carried out jointly by the central government, regional governments, Papuan people’s assemblies, civilians, and the Supreme Audit Agency. Audits must be carried out transparently so that no people’s rights are taken away.

Assistance and sanctions must also be carried out so that 100% of the implementation of Otsus funds is distributed. Local governments are accompanied by the central government and experts in their fields, so that development will be carried out perfectly. Sanctions must also be given to violators of the Special Autonomy Fund.

The increase in the implementation of Otsus is very encouraging because during the 20 years that Otsus volume 1 has been running, there has been an increase in the welfare of Papuans. The implementation of Otsus must be carried out seriously and there must also be supervision, assistance, and sanctions. The goal is that 100% of the Otsus funds are absorbed for the benefit of the people of Bumi Cendrawasih.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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