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Prevent Corona Virus with a Healthy Lifestyle


By: Fajar Kelana )*

Corona virus seems to be a plague that is considered terrible for everyone, reporting in various media seemed to have an impact on panic in congregation. This is evident from the scarcity and expensive masks that had burst. Though Corona Virus can be warded off by living a healthy lifestyle, so people are expected not to panic in response to the outbreak.

Unwittingly, the corona virus has an impact on 7.3 billion people in the world. In Indonesia we can take a simple example, where when President Joko Widodo announced that there were 2 people who were positive about corona in Indonesia, then what happened, panic buying as if the world would end soon.

While this fear is more dangerous, if goods in shopping centers are running low, then this can cause a sudden scarcity of goods and have an impact on price increases.

This has been proven from the difficulty of finding a mask, it received a response from Aming. He said that it wasn’t corona that would kill you but your own brothers (those who used up stockpiles of food and masks at the market).

It also reaped the attention of the public, especially Indonesia. At this rate, only capable people will survive. While the poor die because of the lack of a sense of humanity.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Professional Services Development Assembly (MPPK), PB IDI, Dyah Agustina Waluyo said that one of the important things in handling the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia is to overcome the public panic and increase education about the importance of maintaining health and hygiene rather than wearing masks.

Many people in Indonesia do not know that when we are still healthy, we actually do not need to wear masks. Because the ones who are obliged to wear masks are only those who are sick such as coughs and health workers.

In addition, we also have to get used to washing hands after doing activities in public places. This is a powerful preventive measure in killing viruses that stick to the palm of the hand.

Of course the people of Indonesia must understand about how to wash hands properly and correctly, namely washing hands with soap and running water.

In addition, implementing a healthy life is also important, such as maintaining nutritional food to remain balanced, regular exercise and adequate rest.

In addition, thanks to Covid-19, people also hunt empon-empon such as ginger, this then has an impact on the scarcity of ginger so that the price of the empon-empon rises. Although it is questionable that corona can be resisted by empon-empon, the Indonesian Doctors Association states that its phak does not prohibit and does not encourage it.

PBI ID Chairman Dr. Daeng M Faqih said, the legal response was that it was not banned or required. But if it is postulated for Covid-19, that is what he disagrees with.

Member of the COVID-19 Task Force Dr. Erlina Burhan Sp.P (K) does not deny that traditional medicines such as ginger, turmeric, ginger, and others contain antioxidants that are very good for the body.

However, he reminded that people do not mix empon-empon carelessly without having knowledge in making nutritious drinks from these gaps.

The Lung specialist doctor actually recommends that people take traditional medicines that have been standardized rather than process them themselves.

On different occasions, Chairman of the Covid-19 Task Force Prof. Dr. Zubairi Djoerban Sp.PD (K) said that there were 5 things that needed to be done to increase endurance. These five things include exercise for at least 150 minutes a week, eating vegetables, getting enough rest, stopping smoking and stopping alcohol.

Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini also advised his citizens to avoid the corona virus, he also encouraged his people to consume substances containing curcuma such as ginger, lemongrass, ginger and turmeric.

He also admitted that in the past few months drinking the concoction, he also offered his community if he wanted to make it, there were many in his residence.

Risma said, the method was discovered by a professor from Airlangga University (Airlangga University). Risma assessed the truth of the virus prevention findings because there were 7 Indians proven in Wuhan City, China to this day they survived and were not infected with the virus.

Preventive steps to corona must start from ourselves, such as diligent in exercising, implementing balanced nutrition and keeping ourselves from crowding in the crowd.

)* The author is a citizen, active as a contributor at the Jakarta Press and Student Association (IPMJ)

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