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Beware of Intruders at Student Demonstrations


By: Kenia Putri )*

On various occasions, student demonstrations are often ridden by intruders which lead to anarchic actions, so this needs to be a joint vigilance. Students are also asked to be rational and cancel their action plans on April 21, 2022.

As is known, the students plan to hold another demonstration on April 21, 2022, even though they had already demonstrated on April 11, 2022, in front of the MPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta. It was as if they did not give up on demonstrating in the middle of Ramadan. Yesterday’s demonstration was criticized because it was held in the midst of a pandemic, thus violating various health protocols such as keeping a distance and wearing a lot of masks. In addition, demonstrations were also proven to disrupt the conduciveness of the month of Ramadan because student actions were colored by various “eccentric” posters, hate speech, to acts of violence between fellow demonstrators.

Reflecting on the demonstration on April 11, 2022, it was proven that there were many intruders who had the aim of provoking students. This should be watched out for because they might come again and disrupt the atmosphere at the demonstration on April 21, 2022. The intruders are very proud because they can be in the middle of the demonstration and distribute propaganda paper that turns out to be made by a banned organization.

Even though the banned organization was disbanded by the government several years ago, they took advantage of the opportunity in the demonstration, while the students were burning with anger. When emotional, humans cannot use their logic and are easily driven away. The upcoming demonstration could be even more dangerous because of the provocation from the banned organization.

Politician Grace Natalie stated that she received information that the intruder during the demonstration on April 11, 2022 yesterday was a member of a banned organization. In addition, there is also a screenshot containing a chat to invite the demonstrators to take violent action against Ade Armando.

It is suspected that the intruders had come to anger the students, as well as to beat up Ade Armando, who came in the middle of the demonstration. Ade Armando is considered an enemy because he often criticizes banned organizations and their leaders. Unfortunately, the demonstrators were angry at him and he was almost disarmed, until he had to be hospitalized for several days.

Other evidence that the intruder during the demonstration came from a banned mass organization was the arrest of two demonstrators who were caught attacking the traffic police (Polantas). When examined, it turned out that they were former cadres of banned organizations.

We must also be wary of intruders who deliberately create anarchic actions during the demo. They enter the demonstration arena and make riots, such as burning old tires and destroying public facilities. The intruder, known as anarcho, was already present during the 11 April 2022 demonstration and is feared to come again at the 21 April demonstration.

Students should act decisively and not want to be infiltrated, either by anarcho or members of a forbidden group. The reason is because they only create chaos and make various losses which ultimately must be borne by the government. Moreover, it is now clear that the month of fasting must be respected for its purity. Instead, it was littered with demonstrations that were infiltrated by provocateurs, anarchos, and other parties with political interests.

Therefore, the demonstration on April 21, 2022, should be canceled. The reason is that the demonstration is feared to be infiltrated, both by anarko and banned mass organizations, as well as from political opponents who deliberately use students as pawns. Don’t let the demonstration end in tears because of their own ferocity.

The public must be aware of the demonstration that will be carried out by students on April 21, 2022. The demonstration has also deviated from its substance because it has turned into a space of violence between fellow nation’s children. Students are expected to think again and cancel the demonstration.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangsa Institute

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