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Be Wary of Provocation on Social Media


By: Aldia Putra )*

The crowd of demonstrations was allegedly triggered by provocation through social media. So it is necessary to be aware of negative news that calls for this action.

Today’s technological sophistication allows users to access news around the world. Unfortunately the news that is accessed does not seem to be true or not. In fact, there are also hoaxes that are crowded and viral but eventually disappear in the earth. In this case the news is not proven correctly. Given a lot of troubling news like this circulating. If we are not careful, we might easily be provoked.

Previously in several cities in the territory of Indonesia also crowded demonstrations. Many of them voiced human rights, people’s aspirations, a sense of solidarity as well as other voices. However, sometimes unfortunately the peaceful demonstration must end up in chaos. The trigger is social media. This technology is considered to have an important role in spreading the news. Yes, if the news is positive, if it’s not destroyed already.

For example, demonstrations led to anarchist actions in West Java. This demonstration was carried out in response to the RKUHP and the KPK Law Revision in front of the West Java DPRD Building, Bandung City area. Reportedly there are at least a hundred more fatalities. Students who did the demonstration suffered injuries, shortness of breath, to exhaustion when clashing with security forces. In fact, there are six of them have to get intensive care.

The news also came from other regions, demonstrations led to chaos due to hoax news that spread to smart phone users. One of them is in Wamena, where the action was triggered by the racist utterance of the teacher towards students. Worse yet the news was deliberately led to have a stronger dramatization effect. So that it can make others provoked. Even after checking the truth, the news is just a figment. In fact, the internet access was so emergency that it was temporarily closed in order to prevent reports that were increasingly distorted.

The fact is that even though this hoax news can be proven, there are still many similar incidents and incidents that have occurred. Namely, provoked social media to participate in a rally. Action has passed, the atmosphere has been conducive but the injuries and traumatic experienced will leave an indefinite time, right?

Not only that, the ugly face of the demonstrations also took place in the capital cities of Jakarta, Bandung, Makassar to the provinces and also other cities. The goal is indeed good, voicing the aspirations of the people. However, it should have the right portion. This demonstration should also have a positive effect on the whole community. Especially if it disrupts public order, destroys access or public facilities, burns the Regent’s building, to houses of people who don’t know anything about this demonstration, they also become victims.

Not only from civilians who will become victims, the security apparatus also has the risk to become victims when clashes are inevitable. Although social media technology has a function to facilitate the user. However, it is still a good idea to filter out all the news circulating. In order to fortify oneself so as not to fall into unwanted actions.

Another factor comes from the quality of HR on social media users. A person with a high level of intelligence does not guarantee that he will be free from provocation, you know! However, it is undeniable that there are those who use one’s intelligence to convince and provoke others to join the negative flow. So that smart and technology literacy is not enough.

This is more inclined to wisdom in responding to all news and events that occur. We must not necessarily justify any issues or information for which facts are not yet known. We are expected to not be careless and overly respond to news that is spread in cyberspace.

The polemic on social media is also related to the efforts of third party partners. Which has a purpose for personal, group or the like. Their efforts were reflected in the provision of demonstration facilities. Don’t ask what it looks like, just look at the news in the media, sad isn’t it?

As a good citizen, it is not wrong to contribute to developing the country. It’s just to remain vigilant of any provocation efforts that are considered to be damaging to the motherland still a priority.

)* The writer is a social media activist

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