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Demo Action 212 Has Expired


By: Ahmad Baiquni )*

Demonstration 212 which will be held by FPI on February 21, 2020 to demand that the investigation of a corruption case is considered to be out of date. The reason is, the KPK has long since confirmed that it will thoroughly investigate the Jiwasraya case and a number of other corruption cases.

The amount of attention over corruption cases lately has re-emerged. After the re-emergence of the outstanding Islamic organizations when leading former Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok joined in voicing the eradication of corruption cases in Indonesia. It still remains in memory, when FPI mass organizations had to be willing to go home empty-handed while carrying out their political candidates in the presidential election some time ago. After a long time without patience and seemed to disappear, they made a breakthrough by bringing issues that are actually outdated.

It is very possible that this band wants to find a stage to get public sympathy. Because, soon Indonesia will have a democratic celebration namely the 2020 elections which will be held soon. Or maybe there are other interests, considering there are pretty numbers behind the demonstration plan they will do on February 21, 2020.

Previously the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) emphasized that the handling of corruption cases in non-profit institutions could not be intervened by any party. The KPK emphasized that very strong preliminary evidence was needed to resolve a case, including the alleged bribery of the interim replacement process (PWA) which ensnared members of the Indonesian Parliament for the 2019-2024 period.

This statement was conveyed in response to the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Alumni Brotherhood (PA) action plans. They planned to be suspected of holding actions to urge the eradication of corruption in the archipelago.

According to KPK spokesman Ali Fikri, the KPK spokesman said that the KPK was fully committed to suppressing all acts of corruption. However, if the focus is on the PDI-P case, he said the KPK was serious about handling the settlement process both related to this PAW and involving the KPU Commissioners.

Ali asked the public to follow the ongoing process at the KPK. Although the alleged bribe giver, the PDI politician Harun Masiku, is still at large, the interfaith agency is still trying to resolve the case professionally.

Ali reiterated that all returned to legal issues. Not because requested by any party. If the initial evidence is sufficient, of course the KPK will immediately follow up.

Meanwhile, General Secretary of FPI Munarman said that this action was motivated by the initiators who felt that the handling of a number of cases had slowed and even stalled. The initiator of the 212 212 Action titled Eradicating Corruption Save the Republic of Indonesia ’also spoke about the circle of power.

Today’s corruption cases still dominate. Not only high officials, even SOE classmates have mafia. Even the bottom line is also familiar with corruption cases. Problems that harm the country up to tens of billions and trillions have always been lost. However, during the leadership of President Jokowi there were changes, cases began to be prosecuted including employing competent and qualified people in agencies to regenerate the state apparatus system. In addition, reducing the number of corruption in this country.

If now FPI and his friends come flying flags against corruption it will probably not make any difference. After all, before they came, the government was struggling and trying to eradicate the mafia. If it seems to slow down, everything requires a process and various procedures. It does not have to be immediately finished.

Although many parties considered that the reasons for the Islamic mass organization had expired, FPI and friends were confident, as if they were ignorant with a discordant echo. In the past, when other parties were diligently disarming the KPK with a number of revisions, the Islamic mass organization did not respond or was even indifferent. But approaching the beautiful figure and the 2020 elections, they flocked down to the public. Not 212 if it’s not phenomenal, whatever they say seems obligatory to be neutralized.

It seems that indeed it is pursuing a target to be able to hold a demonstration on 21 February. If the public is suspicious, it’s only natural. Considering, they came suddenly. There was no rain, nothing happened, the case had faded, they just appeared. Even if they insist to enliven the road with the action they held while not undermining the government, just ignore it. Want a reunion why bother!

)* The author is a social political observer

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