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Papuan Youth Play an Important Role in Maintaining State Sovereignty


By: Moses Walker )*

Papuan youth have an important role in maintaining the country’s sovereignty. With the active participation of the sons and daughters of Papua, it is hoped that Bumi Cendrawasih can continue to develop and compete with other regions in Indonesia.

Talking about love for the homeland, of course, there will be lots of perspectives. Moreover, living in a republic country must obey the sovereignty of the state. In line with the meaning of the fourth precept, the role of youth as the nation’s successor is increasingly needed. Millennials’ challenges are now not just a kind of colonizer like they used to be. However, also yourself as the main enemy. These youths are one of the vital and important elements, especially to strengthen the country’s resilience system.

Papua, one of the easternmost regions of Indonesia, really needs the role of its youth. Territorially, Papua is directly adjacent to neighboring countries. Where this area really needs defense to trained special skills. These young people are at the forefront to support the strength of the country’s sovereignty. Because, as we know, Indonesia is not immune from various threats.

Not only intimidating or provocation, but also the onslaught of the millennial era also makes the main homework that must be completed. Young people are required not only to be independent and physically mature. But it’s also more of a mindset. Youths who are nationalist but still think logically are needed to maintain the country’s sovereignty. So, from now on, mobilizing youth, especially the Papua region, must be done.

In line with this, the head of the Papua Province LIRA Youth, Steve Rick Elson Mara, also confirmed this. He revealed that the characteristic of Indonesia’s universal defense would involve young people. Or another term is agent of defense. He added that today’s threats are more often non-military.

He, who is a Masters student at the State Defense University at the Faculty of National Security, revealed that the defense system is so fundamental and is a major factor, especially for the existence of the state. Logically, if a country fails to defend itself from threats, it means that the country has also failed to grasp its existence.

According to Steve, Indonesia has a defense system that is composed of various factors, from geographical conditions, developments in the strategic environment, economic conditions, social life in the country, to domestic and foreign political conditions.

Steve also highlighted that nowadays the development of the industrial revolution 4.0 has changed the dimensions of cyber threats. War is very about happening in cyberspace with technology as the main gun. Of course, this encourages state defense education to continue to be carried out by various levels of society, especially the youth.

Moreover, the millennial generation is now also in a state of technology literacy. In addition to having a positive impact, of course, the convenience of this technology must also be anticipated. Because, easy access to the internet or technology makes all information easily available. So that the potential for false news to come is also easier to obtain.

On the other hand, the fulfillment of the internet in Papua has also been fully supported by the government. This is evidenced by the regular construction of integrated internet access, one of which is called the East Palapa Ring. The government hopes that the fulfillment of internet access for Papua is able to make young people take advantage of existing technology. However, the biggest challenge is fighting various types of hoax information.

Fighting in this virtual world is often considered trivial. In fact, the resilience of our country is at stake. Of course this continues to be a concern for all elements of society. Especially for the Papuan youth, who are lined up as the future of eastern Indonesia.

Steve added, if you play a role in the national defense system, you don’t have to hold weapons and fight with military forces. However, the full awareness of these youths is also very much needed in order to maintain the defense of the Indonesian state. Among them are not spreading news that is not necessarily true, contributing to creating a conducive and peaceful atmosphere, supporting government programs, completing education and working for the archipelago so as to be able to provide advice and criticism wisely. Especially related to government programs which are potentially not suitable for the needs of the community.

In the end, building the country’s future is not an easy and beautiful matter. Indonesian youth, especially Papuans, need to fully contribute to this. Youth are not only waiting for good programs from the government, but they can also start from themselves. Namely, by building quality self-capacity to welcome a classy future.

)* The author is a Papuan student

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