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RKUHP Protects Women’s Rights


By: Savira Ayu)*

bali talk.id|  The Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) will soon be legalized. This bill is very important because it provides protection to the people of Indonesia, especially women, so that they can move safely.

The RKUHP is a draft law whose evaluation process takes years, because the DPR RI needs a high level of accuracy to read and analyze the hundreds of articles in this bill. Moreover, the RKUHP will revise the Criminal Code which is the reference for criminal law in Indonesia. If this bill is passed, the criminal law in this country will be improved, so that people’s lives will be better.

One of the things highlighted in the RKUHP is the protection of women. The reason is because women are protected from sexual relations outside of marriage (zina) and cohabitation. These two things violate the norms and religion, and the perpetrators get the punishment they deserve. Meanwhile, women feel safe because they can use the RKUHP as a shield, if forced to do these immoral things.

In Article 415 Paragraph 1 it is explained that someone who has sexual relations outside of marriage will be sentenced to 1 year in prison. Meanwhile in Article 2 it is explained that couples who live together without a legal marriage bond will be threatened with a sentence of 6 months in prison.

The Legal Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Ikhsan Abdullah, expressed his approval of the RKUHP, especially the adultery article. Because, the article accommodates the values ​​in society. Almost all values ​​are accommodated, especially protection for women and children.

Ikhsan continued, moral matters (in the RKUHP) are not only personal matters, but also the moral affairs of the state and government. State law must be present. Moral values ​​should not be dry, and if they do not exist, it is feared that society will become liberal. The value of adultery must enter into moral values, and anti-adultery articles will protect society, especially women.

This means that Indonesian citizens (WNI) with the status of women will be highly protected by the RKUHP. The reason is because they flatly refuse to be invited to have an unnatural relationship before they are married, and use the RKUHP as a weapon. The perpetrators will certainly think about it for fear of being sentenced to prison for 1 year.

The article on adultery in the RKUHP is the most frequently mentioned by the women’s community, because it is intended to protect women. With this article, a legal wife can sue her husband who has misbehaved.

Meanwhile, other women who are invited to commit adultery are also threatened with 1 year in prison and can be arrested by security forces. When arrested, he could not move because the legal umbrella is the RKUHP, which will soon be ratified by the government. If there is a case like this, other women will not commit adultery or other bad things that violate the RKUHP, because they do not want to be imprisoned.

Then, women are also protected by the RKUHP because they are strictly prohibited from living together. In relationships outside of marriage, women and men are indeed not allowed to be in the same place of residence because they violate religious norms and also the RKUHP. If someone invites him to do it, he will be sentenced to 6 months in prison, and will cancel the bad thing.

Kumpul kebo aka living together is indeed detrimental for women, because they live with an illegitimate partner, either by state or religious law. Imagine if someone got pregnant and then their partner ran away? She will suffer because she is forced to be a single mother and earn a living alone, while the child does not receive inheritance rights from his biological father.

Even if there are couples who live together and then pay for the women and their children, it cannot be justified. The woman will still lose because she can be left at any time without a statement (divorce certificate) and her status is not clear. She is not a widow but not a girl anymore.

Meanwhile, it is difficult for the child to obtain a birth certificate because his mother cannot show a marriage certificate when processing the certificate. Whereas birth certificates are needed to register for school, take care of diplomas and other important letters, etc. Therefore, the RKUHP must be supported because it supports women, so as not to become victims of violence by unscrupulous elements.

The RKUHP must be ratified immediately because it protects women. As Indonesian citizens, they are entitled to protection, especially from adultery. If the RKUHP has been passed into the Criminal Code, the perpetrators of adultery and living together will give up and feel the coldness of prison. Moral values ​​in Indonesia will be maintained.

The community agreed to the RKUHP because this draft law really protects them, especially women and children. Women are protected from bad things like living together and adultery. The RKUHP is the legal umbrella and protects women from negative things that violate societal norms and religious laws.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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