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Law Enforcement Solutions to End Papua’s KST Atrocities


By: Abner Wanggai )*

The Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) again threw a tantrum for attacking the Marine Post in Nduga, Papua on April 22, 2022. The community was furious at the abomination of KST and hoped that this action would soon be stopped by enforcing the law against the group.

One area that often appears in news headlines in Indonesia is Papua. This area is special because it became the location of the XX National Sports Week (PON) a year ago. But unfortunately, Bumi Cendrawasih has also become a topic of discussion because of the existence of the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) who are still entrenched and want to defect, and then carry out attacks to achieve their wishes.

It’s a shame when Papua is in the spotlight because of KST’s atrocities. On 22 April 2022 they attacked the Marine Task Force Post in Kenyam District, Nduga Regency, Papua. Kapendam XVII Cendrawasih Lt. Col. Inf. Herman Taryaman stated that as a result of the KST attack, one marine soldier died on behalf of Pratu Mar Dwi Miftahul Ahyar. While one person was injured, namely Major Mar Lilik Cahyanto.

Lt. Col. Inf. Herman Taryaman added that Major Mar Lilik Cahyanto had a shoulder recoset. He and the bodies of Pratu Mar Dwi Miftahul Ahyar have been evacuated by helicopter to the Mimika Hospital.

The public denounced KST’s abominations because they attacked and caused casualties. KST has repeatedly shot at the officers and not only caused injuries but also fatalities. Whereas the soldiers are in Papua to protect the civilians. However, they were attacked and shot at.

To overcome KST’s atrocities while preventing further attacks, there must be law enforcement. Investigation and law enforcement must be carried out so that no more KST members roam around and carry out attacks. Both to the officers and to civilians. The reason is that they do not hesitate to commit murder, so they must be arrested so that their atrocities can be stopped.

Intelligence has investigated the attack case in Nduga last Friday and found the fact that the perpetrator was Egianus Kogoya cs. Egianus has been included in the DPO (wanted list) and he is a suspect in several shooting cases, including the murder of an employee of PT Istaka Karya in 2018.

Currently, Egianus Kogoya and his team are still being hunted by the Cartenz Peace Task Force Team, whose task is specifically to eradicate KST. The search was carried out to remote and inland Papua, even to areas that were still forested. The reason is because KST has made many headquarters in hidden places such as forests and mountains, the goal is to make it difficult for the authorities to find them.

Law enforcement against Egianus Kogoya and other KST members must be carried out in the fairest way possible. If later caught, Egianus could be threatened with multiple articles, for committing many crimes. He could be subject to Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder and the maximum sentence is life.

Egianus could also be subject to Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law of 1951 concerning illegal possession of firearms and the threat of a 20-year prison sentence. It is clear that the firearms he has are illegal because he is not a security officer.

Law enforcement against each member of the KST must be done fairly because their existence endangers civil society. Imagine if the punishment was light then KST members could get out of jail quickly and then repeat the action again. However, when the judge gives the harshest sentence, he could spend the rest of his life in prison due to a life sentence.

To overcome KST’s atrocities, the highest law enforcement must be carried out. The law enforcement is expected to have a deterrent effect on separatist gangs and peace throughout Papua can be realized soon.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta.

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