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The Job Creation Law Is Able To Restore The Economy Amid Pandemic


By: Aldia Putra) *

The Job Creation Law which was just passed this October has become the foundation of the government to improve the country’s financial condition, which was destroyed by the corona attack. Under this law, investment will be made easier, and licensing for new businesses will no longer be a headache. People will be more active in entrepreneurship and the Indonesian economy will revive.

Corona storms in Indonesia not only cause health problems, but also economic problems. Many shops are closed, ranging from those selling clothes to books. Businesses that are forced to cringe because of losses are not only small-scale businesses, but also large ones. the upper class also seems to have been affected by the corona.

To overcome this crisis and prevent a recession, the government has passed the omnibus law on the Job Creation Law. This law is a new hope for the economy in this country. This is because access to investment is made easier in the investment cluster. So that it makes investors interested in doing business in Indonesia.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani also admitted that Indonesia’s economy depended on the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law. Because if this law is implemented, many changes will occur in our financial situation. When capital investors enter, they will increase the country’s foreign exchange earnings, so that we can rise up and avoid the economic crisis volume 2.

Apart from the Minister of Finance, various groups also welcomed the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law. According to Adib Miftahul, an observer of public policy , the aim of the government in drafting this law is to simplify business licensing. There is indeed a cluster of ease of doing business in the Job Creation Law, so that the business world becomes more vibrant,

Adib continued, the ease of doing business cluster in the Work CipaT Law could change existing regulations and permits in the regions. So far, a regulation in a province and a city or district can be out of sync and overlap. So it confuses and makes people lazy to take care of business permits. Even though this permit is required, including when going to export.

However, if the Job Creation Law is implemented, business licensing will be made easier and the bureaucracy shortened. Because you do not have to go through many doors in the service, but can be arranged online . Getting a business license via this route only requires a fast internet connection and a scan of the KTP, NPWP, and other files needed.

The cost of obtaining a business license is also subsidized by the government, so it helps UMKM entrepreneurs. They can be relieved because of the legality and also assistance from the government. So, when you are going to expand abroad and export your selling goods, you will no longer be hit by licensing problems. Because it has been proven to have a legal business.

When an UMKM company has an official business license , it can also apply for halal certification. Especially if the businessman is involved in the culinary or cosmetic world. Halal certificates can be obtained easily and quickly. The process is no longer as complicated as it used to be. So that people believe in their products and sell them well.

If an entrepreneur has an official permit and a halal certificate, he will be even more motivated and enthusiastic in running his business. Buying and selling transactions occur more frequently and the company can move up in class. It is no longer at the UMKM level, but it can go to a higher level. They can also advance quickly if they are supported by capital injections from investors.

The government really designed the ease of doing business cluster to make it easier for the people to do entrepreneurship. They can get official permission quickly and cheaply. If you have this, the entrepreneur can apply for a loan for additional capital to the bank and enlarge his business. So that the benefits are even more.

) * The author is a contributor to the Jakarta Student Movement (Gema)

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